AMVI Aeronautica Militare Virtuale ItalianaAMVI Aeronautica Militare Virtuale Italiana


06 mar 2023 IL-2 Sturmovik


Our project had received numerous improvements in the recent months, including the customizable tactical numbers for aircraft and ground vehicles in all game modes. Since we always strive to upgrade the existing content of the sim using the new features, we’re going to update the existing payware and free campaigns and share some of our plans on the new ones.


Ten Days of Autumn (Bf 109 F-2, Moscow):

  • it will be reworked to correspond to the modern IL-2 standards;
  • the amount of aircraft and ground vehicles in the missions will be increased by 30%;
  • all aircraft will have accurate tactical numbers;
  • we’re evaluating the possibility to offer this campaign on Steam.

Battle of Stalingrad campaigns: Blazing Steppe (Yak-1 Series 69), Fortress on the Volga (Bf 109 G-2) and Ice Ring (IL-2 mod. 1942):

  • the amount of aircraft and ground vehicles in most of the missions will be increased by 15-20%;
  • all aircraft will have accurate tactical numbers;
  • there will be additional fixes and tuning.

You’ll get these improvements in the coming update. And since there is always room for perfection, once IAR-80/81 and not yet announced collector aircraft are released they are likely to be added to these campaigns as AI units.

Steel Birds (Fw 190 A-5, Kuban):

The updated campaign has been released in November 2022 and became available on Steam - the current version is up-to-date and includes accurate tactical numbers.

In case you don’t own them yet, they’re always available for purchase at our website and on Steam.


Soviet Fighter Campaign (Yak-7b series 36, Kuban)

It will be dedicated to the 43rd IAP (Fighter Air Regiment) of the 278th Fighter Air Division of Major General Savitsky's 3rd Fighter Air Corps and will unfold during the decisive phase of the spring battle of Kuban. The release is planned later this year.

Other possibilities

There are several options on the table: Bf 109 F-4 or La-5 on Stalingrad map, Bf 109 G-4 (Kuban), Fw 190 A-8 (Rhineland) and Mustang Mk.III (?-51B) on Normandy map. One or more of them will be selected after the Kuban campaign.


Rhineland map campaigns - Wind of Fury (Tempest Mk.V) and His Majesty's Griffons (Spitfire Mk.XIV):

  • all aircraft will have accurate tactical numbers;
  • all US vehicles will be replaced with British ones in the British held area (they didn’t exist in the game at the time of release of these campaigns).

Sea Dragons (IL-2 AM-38F M1943, Kuban):

  • it will be reworked to correspond to the modern IL-2 standards; 
  • all aircraft will have accurate tactical numbers;
  • numerous AI-controlled aircraft will be added: U-2, A-20, P-39, Yak-7b, Yak-9 and C-47A (they didn’t exist in the game at the time of release).

Tank campaigns – Breakpoint and Last Chance:

  • all aircraft will have accurate tactical numbers (ground vehicles already got them);
  • recently released collector vehicles will be added as AI units: Churchills Mk.IV, StuG III Ausf.G SPGs and AAA vehicles.

Wings Over Caen (Typhoon Mk.Ib, Normandy):

  • all aircraft will have accurate tactical numbers on release. Battle of Normandy owners will get this campaign in the coming update (by the way, beta tester feedback is very favourable so far).