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Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: Tacview

Messaggio da Phant » 28 ottobre 2018, 17:34

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:
Tacview 1.7.3 is available

Download: HERE

  • Release Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2018
  • Operating System: Windows® 32-bit / 64-bit
  • File Size: 239.8 MB

Aside numerous fixes, this update mainly brings a brand-new C++ SDK. For support reasons, this SDK is currently available only to Tacview Enterprise users. It may eventually become available to the public, but this will be for a later update.

Now, this also means that the Lua SDK available to everyone has been improved! It offers an extended API so you can draw more things in the 3D view and better analyze the telemetry of active objects.

Don’t forget that you can press CTRL+R to instantaneously reload your Lua scripts. Very handy for quick development!

The documentation available in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tacview\AddOns\ has been updated. And more samples have been added for Lua as well as for C++ addons. Since the API is identical for both languages, you can grab ideas from any sample and almost just copy/paste the code in your own creation.

If you need more API function, just let me know, I will be glad to add them to the next releases.

To close the loop, Tacview 1.7.4 will finally bring a C# SDK which will offer identical features as the Lua and C++ APIs.

    Brand new C++ SDK to create addons for for Tacview Enterprise
    Added South Africa country definition to DCS World exporter
    Current UTC time is displayed again in orange in the 3d view
    Add-ons custom menus are now sorted in alphabetical order
    Added support for torpedoes
    Integrated Aegean theater v2.0 for BMS 4.33.5 (terrain and objects database)
    Improved FSX/P3D/SuperBug support

    Fixed a rare crash when merging, one by one, files containing incoherent data
    Fixed artifacts at the junctions of terrain tiles (Tacview 1.7.2 regression)
    Fixed altitude in ATC labels was not properly displayed for objects under water level like submarines or torpedoes


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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 28 ottobre 2018, 17:37

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.7.4 is available

Download: HERE

  • Release Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2018
  • Operating System: Windows® 32-bit / 64-bit
  • File Size: 262.6 MB

Behold the new trimming tool! With it, you can now select and keep only the most relevant part of your last flight. Share smaller files with your friends and enjoy debriefings which go right to the point!

This version also brings the long-awaited C# SDK for Tacview Enterprise customers. With an API which is virtually identical to the Lua and C++ ones, it is now possible to quickly develop powerful addons for Tacview.

Dedicated to BMS pilots: Thanks to Olivier Beaumont aka “Red Dog”, Tacview now offers by default the maps of the most popular BMS battlefields. No more fussing with download and configuration files, enjoy right away more comfortable debriefings over Korea, ITO, Aegean and the Balkans. To reduce the installer size, I have not included all the possible maps, so just let me know if you think that I have missed an important theater map which should be in Tacview by default.

As usual, this version brings a few fixes as well as some optimizations in the telemetry manager. Check the release notes for more details.

    Added brand new C# SDK to develop addons (Tacview Enterprise)
    Integrated BMS VFR maps from Olivier Beaumont aka Red Dog (http://www.combatsimchecklist.net/)
    Added a tool to trim telemetry data before and after current point in time
    It is now possible to remove objects from the telemetry data
    Optimized the telemetry manager: file loading is now 15% faster

    Fixed minor bugs in Lua and C++ APIs
    Only valid DLL add-ons are now added to the Add-ons menu (secondary DLL are now ignored)
    Tacview does not crash anymore when trying to load a DLL addon with invalid dependencies


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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 22 dicembre 2018, 15:56

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.7.5 is available

Download: HERE

  • Release Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2018
  • Operating System: Windows® 32-bit / 64-bit
  • File Size: 268.0 MB

This intermediate release brings a lot of improvements and fixes. The object database has been extended to better support your favorite flight simulator.

The telemetry exporter has been rewritten from scratch. Available in Tacview Advanced and Enterprise, it replaces the tool which was previously accessible from the charts. With the new exporter you can now save any telemetry variable (recorded or calculated) from any object in a single csv file. No need any more to export one by one each object variable in a separate file. It is now easier than ever to compile and analyze the telemetry data of your choice in your favorite spreadsheet.

I am now focusing more and more my efforts on Tacview 2: The goal is to offer you a brand-new platform with improved performances, fidelity, ergonomics, portability, all in a fully customizable package!

    Added brand new telemetry export tool to export any possible data
    Added BMS Pillars of Hercules theater map
    Integrated Aegean 2.2 for BMS
    Static objects declared in DTC files are now displayed only when Falcon 4 terrain is visible
    Added support for waypoints in the telemetry
    Added option to display current Track (TRK) in object labels
    Added a new camera mode which looks forward of the primary object
    Added WWI aircraft for IL-2
    Added an option to always display position coordinates in the 3D view

    Labels color should be inverted for weapons (old regression)
    Improved support of corrupted uncompressed acmi files (typically after a DCS World crash)
    Opening a VHS file by double-click or drag & drop was not working on a fresh install
    Numerous fixes in improvement to the SDK
    The label between selected objects was sometime displayed in a random position


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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 3 maggio 2019, 17:26

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.7.6 is available

Download: http://tacview.net/download
  • Release Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019
    Operating System: Windows® 32-bit / 64-bit
    File Size: 269.0 MB

This intermediate release brings a lot of fixes and improvements requested by both the community and professional users.

While I am focusing more and more on the development of Tacview 2.0, it is going to take some time before we can put our hands on a first beta version. Meanwhile the Tacview 1.8.0 is already on its way and will continue developing further the capabilities required for professional military debriefings, like a brand-new real-time shot log which will eventually replace the aged flight log.

Tacview 2.0 conception phase is still open, so feel free to share your ideas and suggestions here. Even if everything single whish may not be granted, be assured that I am always taking all your feedback in consideration.

    Improved support for VRS Tacpack/Superbug, vACMI & FSX@War (special thanks to Asid [D.O.W])
    Integrated Aegean 2.4 for BMS
    It is now possible to edit object properties by right clicking on it in the 3D view
    Added preliminary support of DCS: F-14 Tomcat
    Added preliminary support of DCS: MiG-19P Farmer
    Added keyboard shortcuts to quickly change playback speed
    Increased mouse wheel zoom resolution
    Improved threat domes display
    New option to always display the bullseye
    Added an option to hide important objects list from the 3D view
    Destroyed aircraft are now still displayed in the important objects list
    Moved display cockpit instruments option to the settings menu
    Turn rate is now displayed with one decimal in objects labels
    Nautical mile distances are now displayed with two decimal places
    Playback speed is now displayed when nonstandard and paused
    Fonts and cockpit instruments are now clearer
    Added SDK functions to control playback
    Added SDK setting to hide the HUD and latitude, longitude grid
    It is now possible to define an object parent in telemetry data

    Improved support of 4K and higher resolution screens
    ISO time used for automatic synchronization was not properly read from media filenames
    SDK menu callbacks were garbage collected too early leading to "random" crashes in C# addons
    In some rare cases shells and bullets could be displayed as a box
    Telemetry between selected objects was sometime displayed in the bottom/left corner of the 3D view
    No error was displayed when attempting to read a zip file with no supported data in it (trk or xlsx files)
    The 3D view is now always updated after activating an addon command via a menu
    Addons menu entries will not be alphabetically sorted anymore


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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 25 settembre 2019, 18:12

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.8.0 is available

Download: http://tacview.net/download
  • Release Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2019
    Operating System: Windows® 32-bit / 64-bit
    File Size: 293.0 MB

This year, I worked closely with military partners to improve Tacview for real-life playback and debriefing. Most of these improvements are also relevant to flight simulators and are now available to everyone in this brand-new release.

This includes better support for small and big screens, more UI modularity, the possibility to display local time (at last ), as well as a new tool to measure distance between the selected object and any other object or even a point on the ground.

I have also been working hard to improve performance, notably the loading speed of custom textures.

Thanks to the help of my partner BuzyBee, numerous airports and maps are now included in Tacview distribution, Tacview database has been greatly extended, and many 3D models have been integrated. This simplifies the installation process by reducing the need to download and manually install add-ons and asset packs for debriefings.

Right now, I am focusing more on Tacview 2.0. So, if you feed a slow down in Tacview 1.x dev, this means that Tacview 2.0 is progressing faster I am currently working on the core engine which is starting to run on all platforms from cell phones to computers. This first step takes some time, but it is also important, because this will establish a clean base on top of which the rest will be built. The next step will be to port most of Tacview components to the new engine: internal tools, telemetry recorder, installer. Then I will start rewriting Tacview main application.

    NOTICE: Windows XP is not supported anymore (definitive)
    DCS: Added support for DCS World dedicated server (proper exporter installation)
    DCS: Added DCS: Normandy 1944 Map runways
    DCS: Added DCS: Persian Gulf Map runways
    DCS: Updated DCS: NEVADA NTTR Map runways
    BMS: Added support for Falcon BMS 4.34 database format
    BMS: Integrated Aegean 2.5 for BMS 4.33
    BMS: Added all BMS Korea airports
    IL2: All battlefield textures have been integrated in Tacview
    IL2: Added most IL2 WWI/WWII aircraft to Tacview database
    Added a brand-new shot log
    Added an option to automatically pause on shot log events
    On pause, the current shot log event is now displayed in the 3D view
    BEGIN/END buttons have been replaced by PREVIOUS/NEXT SHOT LOG EVENT commands
    Added CTRL+LEFT/RIGHT to jump to previous and next shot log event
    Added a brand new UI for the 3D view, more usable, and scalable
    It is now possible to display local time via a custom offset
    Added an option to remove objects from the 3D view context menu
    Added an option to add object on the ground from the 3D view context menu
    It is now possible to specify the altitude of a new object above ground level
    When an object is manually added to the world, it is now automatically selected
    Double clicking on dockable windows has been disabled to prevent any mistake
    Double clicking in the 3D view now selects the object under the mouse cursor instead of switching to fullscreen
    It is now possible to force an object to be alive from the objects list
    Objects dead/alive status is now restored on next dead/alive event regardless of the forced state
    You can now press SHIFT+CTRL to display mouse cursor world and bullseye coordinates
    The playback control bar has been moved to a dockable window
    The active object list has been moved to a dockable window
    Added CTRL+N shortcut to deselect primary and secondary objects
    The time slider now displays target time during a drag operation
    Drag & drop a file on Tacview with the CTRL key will merge it with the existing telemetry
    When opening a new file, only important objects are automatically selected instead of any other object
    When opening a new file, the camera will now be centered on the battlefield
    Optimized terrain custom textures loading time
    Added support for 8-bit PNG custom tiles textures
    SDK: Added LuaFileSystem 1.7.0
    SDK: Added support for 32-bit in the C# SDK
    SDK: Added more options to manipulate the camera via the SDK API
    SDK: Added C++ API to import telemetry data files via the command line, menus and drag & drop

    The acmi 2.x file loader was not properly handling flight events
    Telemetry export tool was not exporting native coordinates (U, V, Heading) when available
    Ground objects were removed from the battefield when destroyed (Tacview 1.7.3 regression)
    Fixed crashes in C# Math.Vector API
    Tacview.Telemetry.Get*Transform pitch was inverted and yaw was not normalized
    Object properties edition now works as expected and supports all measurement units
    Terrain textures cache size was too big when running 32-bit Tacview on 64-bit systems
    It was not easy to dynamically add a SA-6 STR on the battlefield (wrong name in the database)
    Violet objects were improperly displayed in blue in the 3D view object list
    Mouse and keyboard focus is now set to the 3D view when switching to full screen
    Dockable windows could be hidden under Windows taskbar
    Cursor keys to control playback where not working in free camera mode
    Current license will now be the most powerful product key between user and system keys
    Invalid samples in GAE files are now more gracefully handled
    It is now possible to add an object on top of another one from the 3D view
    The Ka-50 3D model was twice the size it should have been


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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 29 novembre 2019, 0:29

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.8.1 is available

Download: http://tacview.net/download

You already own Tacview Standard or Tacview Advanced?

No problem! Simply install the free edition of Tacview from Steam and activate it using your current product key to unlock all the features you are used too.

Looking for a beta version?

The beta branch is coming soon to Steam with Tacview 1.8.2 beta 1. Any user who bought Tacview Standard or Tacview Advanced (standalone or Steam) will be able to run the beta version of Tacview directly from Steam.

Want to upgrade from Standard to Advanced?

If you buy Tacview Standard on Steam, you can upgrade to Tacview Advanced at a reduced price by buying the special Steam bundle “Tacview Advanced (upgrade)”. If you already bought the standalone edition of Tacview Standard, please send us an email so you can upgrade to the standalone Advanced edition at a reduced price.

Will the Steam edition of Tacview work with non-Steam edition of my favorite simulator?

Yes, the standalone and Steam edition of Tacview are identical. They offer the exact same features and both work with the standalone and Steam edition of your favorite simulator.

What’s new in this version?

Aside the added support for Steam, this version brings numerous improvements and fixes based on your feedback.


    The satellite view is now orthographic to remove any optical illusion during tactical debriefings
    ADDED Support for SRTM30 plus
    ADDED IL-2 Prokhorovka and Rheinland elevation maps
    ADDED Support for DCS: F-16C Viper
    ADDED support for DCS: Fw 190 A-8
    ADDED many more aircraft 3D models
    ADDED support for BRA in the new event-log
    ADDED HQ-7 SAM to database
    ADDED USS Midway (CV-41) 3D model to database
    ADDED CTRL+LEFT/RIGHT CLICK in the active object list to select an object
    ADDED Support for more csv files
    Info between selected objects is now accessible via a visible drop-down menu
    Double-click does not re-dock floating windows anymore
    Add-ons main menu is now sorted
    The measuring tool now trace a line between object & target instead of BE & target

    Restored the "Go to end" playback button feature
    Labels were always displayed even when behind objects or terrain (since 1.6.1)
    Fixed laser beams were not displayed anymore
    Shots from the event log where not always displayed during a pause during the online debriefing
    Event-log importer now properly handles global messages without callsign
    Auto-scale was not working properly on fully transparent 3D models
    The measuring tool was not visible from top-down view

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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 1 febbraio 2020, 4:07

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.8.2 is available

Download: http://tacview.net/download

    ADDED support for DCS: JF-17 Thunder
    ADDED support for A-4E-C for DCS World
    ADDED support for MB-339A for DCS World
    ADDED latest DCS: Normandy 1944 Map and runways
    ADDED Time-Jump tool to quickly go at a specific time
    ADDED Polish translation by Michał Plichta (work in progress)
    ADDED IL-2 pilot name auto-fix add-on by BuzyBee
    ADDED support for pilot’s head movements (XP11)
    ADDED Radar range & field of view is now supported and displayed in the 3D view when available
    ADDED Kurile Island 1.3a for BMS
    ADDED Database Builder add-on to easily create new objects database with Tacview Enterprise
    ADDED support for sorting/dpi in the event-log importer
    ADDED numerous objects and 3D models to the database
    ADDED x20 playback speed
    ADDED Ctrl/Page Up/Down to move quickly forward/backward in time
    ADDED to set real-time telemetry and remote-control ports to 0 will disable them in DCS World
    ADDED support for DMS coordinates in terrain custom textures declaration
    IMPROVED 3D models are now loaded in background for faster debriefing startup
    IMPROVED updated Earth magnetic field up to 2025 (IGRF-13)
    IMPROVED labels are now always visible, they do not interact anymore with the terrain
    IMPROVED improved camera behavior and auto-selection when starting a new debriefing
    IMPROVED object height is now always represented even for selected objects
    IMPROVED heavy shells trails are now thicker
    IMPROVED KML track files are now considered as FixedWing objects
    IMPROVED right-click to edit an unknown object from the 3D view
    IMPROVED registration and Squawk are now always displayed regardless of the distance from the observer
    IMPROVED registration and Squawk are now exported in csv and xml the flight logs
    IMPROVED error messages in the event-log importer
    IMPROVED only a few official add-ons are now enabled by default to not overload the UI
    IMPROVED it is now possible to store add-ons and the database in C:\Tacview\
    IMPROVED Time-Shit tool direction has been inverted to make it more intuitive
    IMPROVED resilience to typos in latitude/longitude coordinates in various data
    OPTIMIZED xml documents loading time
    REMOVED DCS World client telemetry password option (was too confusing)

    FIXED Blue events for selected objects were not displayed anymore in the timeline
    FIXED "cubes" exported by IL-2 are now filtered-out and masked
    FIXED Time slider tooltip was always displaying zulu time instead of local as requested
    FIXED if DCS exporter profiling period was set to 0 it would spam the log
    FIXED Objects tagged as [Static] will not display trails anymore
    FIXED Launching the Steam edition of Tacview from the command line or Windows Explorer was displaying a warning
    FIXED 32-bit Tacview could re-start via Steam in some edge cases
    FIXED radar-lock lines from the event-long were not always removed
    FIXED It was not always possible to visualise an object time-shifted into the future
    FIXED Incomplete Dynon SkyView efis csv files are now gracefully handled
    FIXED UTF-8 file names are now supported by Lua lfs.dir() and lfs.attributes() functions
    FIXED SDK function Telemetry.Load() does not display error message anymore
    FIXED several errors in the C# SDK
    FIXED Automatic creation of ProgramData/Tacview folder as admin could preventing other users from accessing it
    FIXED Tacview would not sleep after having loaded an acmi file (regression from 1.8.0)


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Messaggi: 120
Iscritto il: 27 luglio 2013, 17:17
Simulatore: DCS: F-16C Viper
Località: Salerno


Messaggio da Ariete » 28 febbraio 2020, 9:36

Buongiorno a tutti,

una domanda, premetto che mi sono letto tutte le pagine di questo 3d, ma non ho trovato una risposta a questo mio quesito:

quando apro in tacview una registrazione di una track precedentemente effettuata con DCS noto che è molto "scattosa", mentre
i video che vedo su youtube, sono di gran lunga più fluidi .... dipende da tacview e da qlc impostazione oppure dipende da un qlc
parametro di registrazione della track in DCS ????

Grazie mille per ogni eventuale risposta :airforce:

Alex "Ariete" Princi
Aspirante Allievo
Simulatori: DCS Moduli: F16C - F18 - C.A. - AV8B Terrains:Caucasus - Nevada - Persian Gulf - Syria
Hardware: - Intel i7 4790K - MSI Fatality Z87 Professional - 32Gb RAM - SSD 1Tb Kingstone
Periferiche: Throttle thrustmaster COUGAR + Pedaliera + Base Stick VIRPIL - LENOVO RIFT S - TAVOLETTA HUION INSPIRION

Primo Aviere
Primo Aviere
Messaggi: 120
Iscritto il: 27 luglio 2013, 17:17
Simulatore: DCS: F-16C Viper
Località: Salerno


Messaggio da Ariete » 28 febbraio 2020, 11:13

ok ho risolto ... ho aggiornato i driver della scheda video :)
Simulatori: DCS Moduli: F16C - F18 - C.A. - AV8B Terrains:Caucasus - Nevada - Persian Gulf - Syria
Hardware: - Intel i7 4790K - MSI Fatality Z87 Professional - 32Gb RAM - SSD 1Tb Kingstone
Periferiche: Throttle thrustmaster COUGAR + Pedaliera + Base Stick VIRPIL - LENOVO RIFT S - TAVOLETTA HUION INSPIRION

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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 8 novembre 2020, 5:31

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.8.3 is available

Download: http://tacview.net/download

    ADDED Static Object Injector addon to easily add static objects in Tacview world
    ADDED Track Injector addon to create flights from waypoints
    ADDED numerous objects and 3D models to the database
    ADDED IL-2 Arras elevation map
    ADDED support for DCS World submarines
    ADDED new keyboard shortcuts to inject bookmarks in DCS World
    ADDED longitudinal and lateral accelerations (g-force)
    ADDED support for routes and waypoints for GPX files
    ADDED support for DRX Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS) static objects
    ADDED support for WebP for custom terrain textures
    ADDED support for non spherical engagement ranges
    ADDED support for inactive SAM/AAA sites (radar on/off)
    ADDED support for simpler event-log sheets (timeout+callsign+event)
    ADDED an option to auto hide latitude/longitude coordinates whenever bullseye coordinates are present
    ADDED support for Shift + PgUp / PgDown to move quickly +/- 10 seconds in time
    ADDED support for more exotic characters in latitude & longitude coordinates
    ADDED /Fullscreen command line option to start Tacview in fullscreen mode
    IMPROVED impact effects are now more transparent so we can still see concerned objects
    IMPROVED direction vector length to be proportional to the corresponding object speed
    IMPROVED fast forward speeds to better match other debriefing tools (x3/x5/x10/x20)
    IMPROVED support for csv files such as granular data from Flightradar24
    IMPROVED support of wrongly formatted date/time in GPX files
    IMPROVED anti-aircraft engagement range display in satellite/orthogonal view
    IMPROVED support of static objects from KML files
    IMPROVED handling of carriage return characters when importing telemetry files
    IMPROVED Database Builder to automatically refresh Tacview database after each save
    IMPROVED media windows now display only file names without path in their title

    FIXED charts auto-scale was not always correct
    FIXED the event-log importer to work regardless of the user regional settings in Windows
    FIXED rare crash when manually removing objects from the world
    FIXED crash in Database Builder add-on caused by duplicate entries
    FIXED could not add waypoints via the add/edit dialog box
    FIXED pilots not properly exported for DCS World Harrier & M2000


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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 8 novembre 2020, 5:34

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.8.4 is available

Download: http://tacview.net/download

    ADDED support for DCS: Syria Map
    ADDED support for DCS: The Channel Map
    ADDED support for DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt
    ADDED support for Microsoft Flight Simulator
    ADDED support for Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer (FIT) files
    ADDED Falcon 4 Balkans runways and ILS from oakdesign
    ADDED Optimal turn-rate calculator addon
    ADDED GPX routes import to the Track Injector add-on
    ADDED Rangefinder Add-on to display distance between multiple objects in one place (Tacview Enterprise)
    ADDED automatic synchronization of audio/video files (if appropriate metadata available)
    ADDED support for Drag & Drop on audio/video media windows
    ADDED NTO Polar Vortex v2.4 for BMS 4.34
    ADDED numerous objects and 3D models to the database
    ADDED option to enable/disable radar locks detailed labels (off by default)
    ADDED /SaveConfig:false command line option to not save UI settings on exit
    IMPROVED DCS World helicopters advanced telemetry
    IMPROVED EAG file support (aircraft type, color and country)
    IMPROVED corrupted (incomplete) telemetry files support
    IMPROVED support for non-standard GPX files
    IMPROVED debug log

    FIXED crash when closing Tacview installed in C:\Tacview\
    FIXED potential crashes when running out of memory
    FIXED C-101 3D model scale
    FIXED rare case when export.lua content could be reset on install
    FIXED AoA was not exported for DCS: F/A-18C Hornet


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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 8 dicembre 2020, 18:56

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.8.5 is now available!

This quality of life update brings numerous fixes, improvements, and additional content to make data recording and debriefings more comfortable than ever in your favorite simulators.

Flappie has generously donated his Caucasus map for the benefit of everyone using Tacview. I would like to thank him again for his countless hours of work, this could not have been possible without him!

This new update also brings a brand-new UI for the DCS World exporter. All options have been cleaned up and unified, so the behavior of the exporter is now simpler and clear regardless of how you are flying.

Last but not least, with the new Terrain Downloader addon created by BuzyBee, you can download real-life vector/satellite terrain texture maps of your area of action in just a few clicks! Another nice prototype/preview of what is waiting for us in Tacview 2.0 😉

Oh, by the way, if you want to know more about how Tacview has been made and related technical challenges, feel free to listen to the latest interview from the Grim Reapers: https://youtu.be/CI4A1lc9deY

Download: http://tacview.net/download

    ADDED DCS World 2.5 Caucasus map generously donated by Flappie
    ADDED Terrain Downloader add-on to download map/satellite terrain textures in a few clicks
    ADDED support for DCS: A-10C II Tank Killer
    ADDED support for DCS: F-14A-135-GR
    ADDED Over-G add-on for the Fight for Honor 2020 tournament
    ADDED events location in the XML event log
    ADDED support for spacecrafts
    ADDED numerous new functions to the add-on API
    ADDED add-on to import SENIN GPS data
    ADDED support for terrain texture tiles per simulator
    ADDED option to always display selected telemetry in unselected objects labels
    ADDED support for TAS in KML telemetry files
    ADDED /OpenMedia[1-4] command line option
    IMPROVED brand new option page for DCS World exporter
    IMPROVED real-time telemetry data support
    IMPROVED turn-rate calculation to ignore wind conditions
    IMPROVED turn-rate automatic calculation add-on
    IMPROVED media synchronization when no metadata found
    IMPROVED objects and labels scale options and behavior
    IMPROVED active objects list to display missiles which have a callsign
    IMPROVED KML files are not automatically merged anymore when drag & dropping them
    IMPROVED support of invalid data/time entries in csv files
    IMPROVED add-ons are now loaded after the UI is fully initialized
    IMPROVED EAG file support (database has now priority over metadata)
    IMPROVED pitch emulation for submarines and infantry
    IMPROVED debug log

    FIXED Steam edition of Tacview not working with non-Steam edition of Command
    FIXED radar cone orientation in the 3D view
    FIXED trim operations behavior and stability
    FIXED backward playback not working at x0.25 speed
    FIXED pitch was inverted in all drawing functions of the SDK
    FIXED minor math error with custom tiles textures
    FIXED several minor bugs in the Lua API
    FIXED numerous minor or rare bugs

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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 17 novembre 2021, 0:12

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.8.6 is out!

As the pace of development on Tacview 2.0 increases, Tacview 1.8 is switching more and more to maintenance mode.

However, Tacview 1.8 is still a great test bed for experimenting with simplified versions of new features. As such, this update still brings cool new tools along the usual quality of life improvement and bug fixes.

For example, whenever it is supported by your flight simulator and your aircraft, you can now display the flight controls position as well as the pilot sight. Together with the optional display of aircraft course, you have now all the tools to analyze the exact behavior of the pilot and pinpoint habits to improve stick and rudder skills.

As usual, the Lua SDK has been considerably extended. For example, it is now possible to create real dialog boxes to directly interact with the user. If you are interested into creating Lua addons, feel free to share your work or ask for help on our discord channel!

BuzyBee and I would like to thank again everyone for your support and feedback!

Download: http://tacview.net/download

    ADDED support for IGC files (International Gliding Commission)
    ADDED support for TGA files (16, 24 and 32 bit)
    ADDED support for pilot’s head movements for DCS World local player
    ADDED options to display aircraft heading, course, lift and pilot line of sight (when available)
    ADDED display of selected aircraft course
    ADDED Controls position can now be displayed in the 3D view when data available
    ADDED DCS World F-5E, F-16C, F/A-18C, L-39, M2000C controls positions
    ADDED Mach number is now recorded from Flight Simulator / P3D
    ADDED CAS to X-Plane (local aircraft)
    ADDED Angle of Slip to telemetry export, charts and SDK
    ADDED support for dialog boxes in the Lua SDK
    ADDED Copy/paste coordinates from Google Maps via CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT_CLICK / CTRL+V
    ADDED a new upgrade webpage for Tacview enterprise users
    ADDED Hercules 3D parachute objects (donation from Asta)

    IMPROVED CSV files support
    IMRPOVED EAG files support
    IMPROVED CAS to be calculated based on Mach speed when possible
    IMPROVED DCS World Mirage 2000C advanced telemetry
    IMPROVED Turn rate addon calculations and support for different units
    IMPROVED support of lineSTPT in BMS DTC files
    IMPROVED static buildings support
    IMPROVED Flight Simulator and X-Plane exporters are now resilient to these simulators crashes
    IMPROVED area covered by DCS: Persian Gulf Map
    IMPROVED the last ten logs are now saved in %temp%\Tacview\
    IMPROVED Lua API now uses 256 KiB text buffers instead of 4 KiB for text samples

    FIXED some textures tiles displayed at the wrong position on Earth
    FIXED potential crashes when running out of memory when loading textures in 32-bit
    FIXED DCS World export script was not installed if SRS one was installed before
    FIXED DCS World export script would not install on a fresh DCS World
    FIXED DCS World exporter default settings were not properly installed
    FIXED rare crash when launched with exotic user locale / language
    FIXED control list was displayed when launched for the first time from CMO
    FIXED display of Landed *close to* Sochi Adler event instead of Landed *at* Sochi Adler
    FIXED several bugs in the Lua API


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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 17 novembre 2021, 0:16

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.8.7 is out!

I know, I know, it’s been a while since a new stable build of Tacview has been released! This is because I am working a lot on Tacview 2, plus I wanted to implement as many of your requests as possible in this 1.8.7 release. It is hard to know when to stop.

At last, everybody can now enjoy more than six months of updates for all simulators as well as real-life flights including new 3D models, new maps, new weapons, improved exporters, improved importers, more accurate telemetry numbers in all phases of flight, new visual options, and more options for dedicated servers.

This year, Tacview was notably used for Volfa 21 debriefings (a French / NATO military exercise spanning several weeks). Following the exercise, we have implemented a multitude of little fixes and improvements which will benefit everybody concerning stability and ergonomics for tactical debriefings. Other improvements, which require more (re)work of the code, will be integrated later in Tacview 2.

This new version also brings native ADS-B radio signal recording via a USB dongle and an antenna! Which means that you can now see flights taking place over your head, without any Internet connection or ADS-B server account. This first implementation will be improved depending on how popular this tool will be.

The terrain engine has also been pushed to its limits to display even more detailed textures and elevation data. Four times more accurate than before, to be specific. Pushing the engine so much revealed several display bugs (high frequency noise, holes, junction errors…) which have been fixed in this version. The framerate should remain similar to previous versions of Tacview. It is only when you are providing high-resolution textures for specific places, that (a lot) more memory and CPU will be required.

Download: http://tacview.net/download

    ADDED support for real-time ADS-B radio telemetry
    ADDED anticipatory trails
    ADDED option to choose between IAS, CAS, TAS in cockpit view (when possible)
    ADDED option to display or not objects names and labels in the 3D view
    ADDED support for more KML files
    ADDED support for FlySight GPS files
    ADDED support for DCS: Marianas map
    ADDED support for DCS: Mi-24P Hind
    ADDED new DCS World Syria Map and Channel Map runways
    ADDED textures for DCS: Persian Gulf Map
    ADDED Aegean theater of operations v3.0 for BMS 4.35.2
    ADDED Kuwait theater of operations for BMS 4.35.1
    ADDED MidEast theater of operations for BMS 4.35.2
    ADDED Nevada theater of operations 4.35.1 for BMS 4.35.2
    ADDED Taiwan theater of operations 4.35.3 for BMS 4.35.1
    ADDED support for new classes of objects in BMS theaters
    ADDED 4 additional audio/video media windows
    ADDED command line option /MaxFrameRate:xx to reduce CPU usage and power consumption
    ADDED more choices of auto-scale and labels size
    ADDED "tacviewExportPath" in options.lua so each instance of DCS World can record data in different directories

    IMPROVED renderer to use by default discrete GPU for 3D rendering instead of APU
    IMPROVED textures filtering thanks to anisotropic filtering x4
    IMPROVED maximum terrain resolution by a factor of 4
    IMPROVED terrain accuracy
    IMPROVED video playback is now done via Windows Enhanced Video Renderer
    IMPROVED event log weapon min/max range is now displayed till 5 seconds after time-out
    IMPROVED Time-Shift tool ergonomics
    IMPROVED Track Injector ergonomics
    IMPROVED EAG files support
    IMPROVED only global waypoints are now listed in objects lists
    IMPROVED Korea & Balkans database and terrain for BMS 4.35.2
    IMPROVED max frame rate is now limited to 120 instead of 200
    IMPROVED cost lines and underwater terrain for custom elevation maps
    IMPROVED buildings can now fire shells/bullets (but this will not be displayed in the log)
    IMPROVED it is now possible to merge static/dynamic data with real-time recorded telemetry
    IMPROVED Facebook and Twitter icons are now gone when using an enterprise license
    IMPROVED shot log colors are now inverted to better show what is coming next
    IMPROVED roll and pitch are now ignored in satellite view for a clearer picture of the battlefield

    FIXED crash when running out of memory during custom texture loading
    FIXED rare crash when streaming real-time telemetry
    FIXED rare memory leak for some errors in Lua addons
    FIXED corruption on exit which could cause random UI layout on next startup
    FIXED random mouse jumps during camera rotation
    FIXED 3D view would rotate forever to the right after locking the session with [WIN+L]
    FIXED AOA & AOS calculation during heavy g-force turns
    FIXED course vector was showing future instead of present
    FIXED file-save command was disabled during real-time telemetry
    FIXED invalid objects selection after removing an object from the world
    FIXED grey scale and color adaptive modes were not working anymore for terrain textures
    FIXED objects list not updated after editing object name/type/color
    FIXED events not always updated after reloading a log (Event Log addon)
    FIXED Telemetry.Clear() was disconnecting the real-time telemetry
    FIXED not possible to go under water with the free camera in most maps
    FIXED SRTM30 loading not working properly since Tacview 1.8.4
    FIXED "random" holes in terrain


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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia


Messaggio da Phant » 7 novembre 2022, 0:47

Vyrtuoz ha scritto:

Tacview 1.8.8 is out!

I know, it’s been six months since the last update… This is because I am now focused on Tacview 2 development: Currently working the brand new 2D/3D Vulkan/Metal renderer which – ultimately – should offer much higher performance compared to Tacview 1. Don’t know how much faster yet, but the goal is to be able to display millions synthetic buildings and trees on the ground, so any action taking place low and slow (from tanks to helicopters), will have a nicely detailed debriefing.

Meanwhile, in parallel, with the help of BuzyBee, we are continuing to update Tacview 1 content, fixing bugs, and developing news addons to help you with everyday flights as well as special events streaming.

I still cannot promise any release data for Tacview 2, be assured that I am working hard on it!

Download: http://tacview.net/download


    ADDED CTRL + mouse wheel to zoom in and out on charts Y axis
    ADDED objects colors can now be customized via Data-ObjectsColors.xml
    ADDED support for Cyan and Yellow colored objects
    ADDED support for DCS: AH-64D
    ADDED new DCS World Syria Map terrain and runways
    ADDED Mach number to X-Plane advanced telemetry
    ADDED terrain & data layers options for ARMA 3 (no data is yet included)
    ADDED support for grenades
    ADDED remote controls API for C++/C#/Lua addons
    ADDED Excel file import to the database builder addon
    ADDED Control Zone add-on to display control zone of selected aircraft (for dogfighting)
    ADDED Airboss add-on to display hits during real-time telemetry (later will display kills)
    ADDED support for radar range gate properties & display
    ADDED numerous entries to the database
    IMPROVED media synchronization when playback is paused and during online debriefing
    IMPROVED custom textures loading order is now the same as declaration order
    IMPROVED lag spikes filtering in telemetry charts
    IMPROVED X-Plane exporter is now using the most recent non leap year for current time instead of hardcoded one
    IMPROVED csv importer now sets object name based on the csv filename
    IMPROVED Korea & Balkans database and terrain for BMS 4.35.3
    IMPROVED Terrain downloader addon by removing hardcoded path

    FIXED helicopter vs plane type detection for X-Plane 11.30+
    FIXED anticipatory trail display during real-time telemetry
    FIXED beginning of speed curves in charts
    FIXED visual oscillations during scrolling of some charts curves
    FIXED flight-log names readability in some rare cases

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