DCS --> Remote Server Control

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DCS --> Remote Server Control

Messaggio da Phant » 2 marzo 2019, 1:24

USSR_Rik - ED Team ha scritto:
DCS Remote Server Control
  • Server tab
    Pause/start, stop mission
    Change server options (Name, Password, Port, Integrity Check etc)
    Run any mission from mission list, LOOP and SHUFFLE modes.
    Add, remote mission to list. Save current mission list
    Mission progress indiccator (based on mission triggers and goals as usual, WIP)
    Also you can see Log window in this tab (press </> icon on the top-left corner). Server log updates in this wingow 'on-the-fly'

  • Players tab
    Show player list, banned list
    Kick or ban any player
    Unban any player

  • Chat tab
    Read and write chat messages. All players will see messages sent by the control PC as white-colored server messages. At the same time, the control PC can see all game chat messages.

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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: DCS --> Remote Server Control

Messaggio da Phant » 2 marzo 2019, 1:32

USSR_Rik - ED Team ha scritto:
1. What is needed to run a dedicated server?

Dedicated server is not a standalone software, it's one of DCS start option. To run a server, a (separate) DCS base install is needed with all terrains (you wish to host) purchased and installed. We are considering possibilities for running terrains without purchase them in --norender mode.

2. How to run a dedicated server?

Currently, the dedicated server can only be started manually from the command line appending the following parameters to file

runs DCS in ‘server’ mode where the simulator is started as a server with the first mission in list ["missionList"] (see ‘Saved Games\<DCS>\Config\serverSettings.lua’)

runs DCS without 3D rendering

or just
server started as usual (i.e. with rendering and GUI) and you can control it via web interface.

<DCS base directory>\bin>dcs --server --norender
(server started without rendering and launched first mission in serverSettings.lua missions list)

<DCS base directory>\bin>dcs --webgui
(DCS started as usual with full render and server can be controlled via web)

3. How to run several dedicated servers on the same machine?

It is possible to run several DCS (server) instances from the same install by using different write folders for each one with the “-w” (for “write folder”) command line parameter.
Also, each instance should use a separate game port and HTTP port (for the web GUI to work).

The HTTP port can be changed by editing the webgui_port line in file autoexec.cfg:

webgui_port = 12345

4. How to shut down a dedicated server?

Currently, to shut down the dedicated server, the DCS process has to be killed via Windows task manager - a proper shutdown procedure does not exist yet.

Note: While running the dedicated server in graphics mode (i.e., started without the --norender parameter), the game world is shown and the ESC key does not work.

5. How to control a dedicated server?

There are two options: local server started on your PC and remote server started somewhere.

  • 5.1 Remote Control

    For remote control, DCS servers use TCP port 8088 by default. This port has to be opened on the server's router for remote control to work. UPNP routers will open this port automatically (this feature is work in progress and currently does not always work reliably).

    For remote control of the DCS server, the control PC (or device) has to be logged in into your DCS account on the DCS homepage. NOTE: your PC and server should be logged in the same account! You can't control servers started from different DCS accounts (this feature is in development).

    In order to get control open your Profile page and select your server or visit URL:

    https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/ ... al/server/ (EN)

    5.2 Local Control

    A. You can use the same URL as in Remote Control (note: you must be logged in to your DCS account)

    B. Open the .html document

    <DCS base directory>\WebGui\index.html

    from your local file system. This allows local server control without forwarding port 8088 and logging into a DCS account on the DCS homepage.

https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p= ... ostcount=2

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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: DCS --> Remote Server Control

Messaggio da Phant » 18 marzo 2019, 3:15

awjudge - Member ha scritto:
Dedicated Servers - Quickstart
  • Quick Guide to DCS Dedicated Servers

    General notes:

    •The Web Gui is available via the ED website, but for it to work you have to configure port forwarding for the webgui port as detailed below
    •You cannot connect to the webgui on your LAN via IP. You can only do it by opening the \WebGui\index.html file.
    • When you use the --norender switch you will ONLY see the DCS splash screen. You won’t see the game launch as you normally would.
    • To access the web gui, go to this link and log in with your DCS account. The account you log in with has to be the same as the one you’re running the dedicated server with.
    https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/ ... al/server/
    • You CAN run a server and play the game client with the same DCS account.
    • You can run multiple instances of the dedicated server under the same DCS account.

  • Single Instance

    Before doing anything else, start up DCS, and create a new multiplayer server. Fill out the server settings via the game GUI, paying attention to the PORT you want the game to listen on. You will need this later. This will also create the serverSettings.lua file which is important (see the comment at the bottom of this post).

    Create a desktop shortcut for DCS with the following in the ‘Target’ field, change the paths accordingly:

    “c:\program files\eagle dynamics\dcs world\dcs.exe” --server --norender

    Port Forwarding:

    You will need to forward two different ports through your router for the server and webgui to work:

    Port for DCS, the default is 10308
    Port for the WebGUI, the default is 8088

    These ports can be changed to whatever you prefer, have a look below at the autoexec.cfg and serverSettings.lua file details. That's where you can change these ports.

  • Multi-Instance

    Create multiple shortcuts as detailed above, but add the following switch to the shortcut: -w

    The shortcut should be (examples)

    “c:\program files\eagle dynamics\dcs world\bin\dcs.exe” –server –norender -w instance1
    “c:\program files\eagle dynamics\dcs world\bin\dcs.exe” –server –norender -w instance2

    The -w flag will create a new directory structure under your saved games folder:

    c:\users\\saved games\dcs world\instance1
    c:\users\\saved games\dcs world\instance2

    Inside the ‘instance’ folders will be stored the config files relevant to the instance itself. There are 2 files that are most important:

    If you’re running more than one instance, you need to add the following line into the autoexec.cfg for every instance. Without this, the WebUI won't work.
    webgui_port = 12345

    You can choose any port you like, it doesn’t matter. Just remember to set up the relevant port forwarding rules on your router!


    This file determines how the server runs, it holds all the settings you would usually set via the game gui in terms of missions, log settings etc. The simplest way I have found to generate this file is to run the game with --webgui -w This will load the game normally. Configure the server via the game gui and start the server up. Once that’s done you will see the serverSettings.lua file appear in the instance/config directory. Then you can stop the server and use the --server --norender options again.

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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: DCS --> Remote Server Control

Messaggio da Phant » 5 aprile 2019, 17:14

NineLine - Community Manager ha scritto:

Free Maps and Assets Pack for Dedicated Servers

With the release of the dedicated server, the most requested item from clients has been that dedicated servers no longer provide opportunity to purchase maps and asset packs to host missions. We have been listening, and new feature will be brought to you this next week along with the 10th April Open Beta! Dedicated servers with “no-render” option activated will be able to host all DC World maps and asset packs for free! We see DCS World Online as a critical feature of DCS World to move forward, and the ability to run interesting and varied mission servers is a great thing for you, clients, and us.

In addition, we will be working on further ways to improve and expand the DCS World online experience.

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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: DCS --> Remote Server Control

Messaggio da Phant » 24 aprile 2019, 16:54

USSR_Rik - ED Team ha scritto:
DCS World Open Beta Dedicated Server


'DCS World Open Beta Dedicated Server' installer install special DCS World version which intended to work as a dedicated server and doesn't contains textures and sounds. Installed server takes approx. 52 GB on HDD and works as a full-functional server controlled only by WEB (i.e. without any GUI features). This version already includes ALL available terrains and WWII units module, works without 3D graphics and sounds.

Terrain and WWII units doesn't asked activations when launched in server mode without rendering, server owner shouldn't buy them.
NOTE: these 'free' terrains can work ONLY on dedicated server without rendering. You can't use them on client.

You can download installer from our site DCS World 2.5 Open Beta Dedicated Server


Run installer, choose separate folder and install it as usual. Note: if you have previous server version based on DCS World client, uninstall it before. Installer will install DCS World base as well as all terrains and WWII units modules.

Write folder for dedicated server is: Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_server

You don't need to add command line keys (--server and/or --norender) into launch icon, server will start with these options by default.

Update: server checks update every day when launched (like DCS World).

Server control:

A. Local Web control. Just open link 'Local Web GUI' created after installation on your desktop

B. Remote Web control. Login to DCS site, go to you Profile page and select your server in list.
USSR_Rik - ED Team ha scritto:
DCS World Open Beta Dedicated Server

Server deployed as a one module, terrain can't be excluded.

Dedicated Server uses default ports:

10308 TCP and UDP for DCS
8088 TCP for web-control

See also:

Our DCS web server utilize primary IP to connect to your server web port. Our API uses server-to-client connection, so your server IP address and web port are not exposed via web browser. You can easily restrict your firewall only to this IP for DCS web port and access webgui from your site account.

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Messaggi: 14418
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: DCS --> Remote Server Control

Messaggio da Phant » 17 aprile 2023, 23:53

BIGNEWY - ED Team ha scritto:
Eagle Dynamics "modular" dedicated server installer

Eagle Dynamics "modular" dedicated server installer can now be downloaded for free from our website.
https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/ ... ular_beta/

The main differences from previous all-in-one installs are:

  • Supports installation and uninstallation of the terrain modules
  • No longer requires special command line arguments. To start the server you just need to run:
  • NOTE: the update, repair, install and uninstall operations are handled by .\bin\DCS_updater.exe application as usual.

Switching the existing installation

To switch the existing install of the dedicated server to the new-style install you need to execute the following command line once: .\bin\DCS_updater.exe update "@dcs_server.openbeta"

This will switch the update channel of your dedicated server to the new one and convert the list of modules from the single DEDICATED_SERVER one to separate modules. From now on the DCS Updater will pick up the builds from the dcs_server.openbeta channel.

NOTE: switching back to the all-in-one installation is not supported.

Installation of a module

To install a module currently you have to use the following command line in the server install folder: .\bin\DCS_updater.exe install MODULE1_id MODULE2_id...

Example: .\bin\DCS_updater.exe install SYRIA_terrain MARIANAISLANDS_terrain

Uninstallation of a module

To uninstall a module currently you should use the command line as well: .\bin\DCS_updater.exe uninstall MODULE1_id MODULE2_id...

Example: .\bin\DCS_updater.exe uninstall CAUCASUS_terrain

List of available modules

Module name - Install/Uninstall id

  • Supercarrier - SUPERCARRIER
  • WWII Units pack - WWII-ARMOUR
  • Caucasus - CAUCASUS_terrain
  • Nevada Test and Training Range - NEVADA_terrain
  • Normandy 1944 - NORMANDY_terrain
  • Persian Gulf - PERSIANGULF_terrain
  • The Channel - THECHANNEL_terrain
  • Syria - SYRIA_terrain
  • Mariana Islands - MARIANAISLANDS_terrain
  • South Atlantic - FALKLANDS_terrain

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