Mission Commander BETA released
- When switching your falcon install version, all mission data will be removed.
- Added, Check for double campId. Done just after loading the mission. A message will pop up if there is a problem.
- Added, Check for double ID. Done just after loading the mission. A message will pop up if there is a problem.
- Added, Map is using all Objective icons from the BMS installation.
- Added, Map is using all Unit icons from the BMS installation.
- Added, Option to add brigades.
- Added, Intersections.
- Added, Objective Links.
- Changed, Maritime Patrol Icon is now a GeoPoint Icon.
- Added, Option to delete battalions, brigades and taskforces.
- Added, for changing Links you have the option to automatically set the values. This is just an suggestion, the creator should still choose if he wants to use these values.
- Added, Option to delete Objectives.
- Added, Option to Add new Objectives.
- Added, Check objective Links.
- Changed, All Fix rosters ect are now under one button that brings up a new screen.
- Added, Add Taskforce.
- Added, Taskforce colors. This will indicate if a carrier can have a squadron. If not, the link in the objectives is missing.
- Changed, when adding a units, the name for the unit makes more sence now.
- Added, Option to Add brigades.
- Added, Option to delete brigades.
- Added, Brigade selection.
- Added, Divisons name.
- Added, Change Brigade nr. - Added, Option to Add/Remove a battalion from brigade.
- Added, Division name.
- Added, Option to delete the brigade completely.
- Added, ability to view the model with OglLod. (thanks to mrivers)
- Added, ability to view the model with OglLod. (thanks to mrivers)
- Added, ability to view the model with OglLod. (thanks to mrivers)
- Added, ability to view the model with OglLod. (thanks to mrivers)
- Added, ability to view the model with OglLod. (thanks to mrivers)
- Improved relations.
Magg. Alberto "
Grape" Astolfi
AMVI Aeronautica Militare Virtuale Italiana
Falcon BMS, DCS (A-10, M-2000C, MiG-21bis, P-51D, CA), Ms FSX, Prepar3D, X-Plane, Space Shuttle Mission