Falcon BMS

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Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
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Falcon BMS

Messaggio da Phant » 30 dicembre 2022, 2:33

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Messaggi: 14416
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: Falcon BMS

Messaggio da Phant » 30 dicembre 2022, 2:33

Falcon-bms.com ha scritto:
Falcon BMS 4.37.0
  • Known Limitations
    Mirrors are not true 3D objects and will pop-up once canopy closed
    VR is a first iteration, do not expect a fully featured expereience (tracking not implemented, mouse needed)
    F-15C cockpit is a Work In Progress (it cannot be used for ramp start)
    Falcon BMS will default to new launcher but old launcher still available at root folder installation
    F-16 HAF “jammer jammer” message control can be turned off by using ReqCTR in DED (EWS page). A proper implementation (ReqJMR) will be done for U1
    A CTD might occur when you zoom at the edge of the map

  • 3D & Textures changes
    Added Ground units: Griffin II, EL-8222 Elta
    - Fixed Cockpit F-16 Block 50 HAF
    - Fixed F-16 AGRS Afterburner effect
    - Added ECM panels and switches for all F-16
    - Added Mirrors for 2000C, F-15C, 2000-5 and 2000D
    - New F-15C cockpit (Work in progress from Qawa)
    - New PS effect for contrail optimization
    - New PS effect for wingtip trail (Kouzi)
    - Adjusted Ship burning effect

  • UI changes
    - New music for the UI
    - Complete new UI Full HD support (new _FHD folder in Art)
    - New splash screens
    - Updated Intro video
    - New training mission for ECM / SEAD
    - Added new Graphics options

  • Flight Models changes
    - Fixed models due to Boom and basket refuel misalignments
    - F-16 HFFM rework around M0.4 - 0.6
    - Improved FM for F-15A and D
    - Complete revamp of the F-15C FM model

  • Documentation changes
    - New F-16 Checklists
    - New Dash-1
    - Training Manual updated
    - Dash 34-1 updated
    - User Manual updated
    - KTO + AIP charts updated
    - EOR charts added
    - Kneeboards ILS freq page updated

  • Vehicle / Weapon changes
    - Fixed to AIM-120 beam
    - Fixed Mirage IIIE store
    - Fixed Mig-25 tanks missing in stores
    - Updated MFD Mnemonics for several stores
    - Added CATM for Weapon training (AIM-120B / AIM-120C / AIM-9M / AIM-9X / AA-12 / AGM-88D / AGM-65D / AGM-65G / GBU-38 / Empty pylons)
    - Added Specific Sounds for CATM
    - Fix for 600 gal tanks for IAF

  • IVC changes

  • Comms changes

  • Airbase changes

  • Other changes
    - Updated Falcon BMS.cfg
    - Added an in-house flavor of Alternative Launcher as the new public Launcher for Falcon BMS
    - RTT Remote tool updated to 4.2 (added support for DX12 and new functions from BMS)
    - BMSFlightData updated v4.118.19.4

  • 3D Engine
    - Support for SteamVR (Steam and a compatible headset required. First iteration, be gentle! :D )
    - Improvements on the PS contrails to reduce CPU usage
    - HUD fonts adjusted to adapt to FOV and resolution
    - Multiple optimizations and improvements around parallel rendering (20% to 40% improvement)
    - Fixed closest Light computation
    - Added Mirrors in cockpit (check graphics options in UI)

  • Weather Engine
    - Fixed Fmap issues in Multiplayer

  • Campaign Engine
    - Fixed ATO not planning AWACS or Tanker when team surrounded by hostiles
    - Fixed CTD/memory corruption in UI when user clicks on ATO package
    - Improved UI planner messages

    * Now, if the squadron is human controlled, planner will say Human controlled. If airbase is destroyed, it will display: Air base destroyed. If squadron is relocating, it will show Squadron relocating message and time remaining to finish.

  • AI Engine
    - Fixed multiple bugs in tanker queue management (MP / SP)
    - Fixed AI FCR Radar modes
    - Fixed AWACS coms
    - Fixed AI not engaging due to bad LOS check
    - Fixed wingmen not engaging in AA under specific conditions
    - Fixed wingmen not engaging in AG when too close from target
    - Fixed CTD when basket refueling
    - Fixed AI crashing into the ground for other theaters than KTO
    - Fixed AI not being arrested properly on carriers

  • ATC Engine
    - Fixed Parking point CTD due to reaggregation.
    - New taxi positions in 3D display at ramp

  • UI Engine
    - Complete rework of the Falcon BMS UI for Full HD support of screens
    - Added radar cursor movement using callbacks instead of axes

  • Systems
    - Fixed potential bug where MPRF seeker could loose track
    - New ECM system implemented for multiple F-16 versions (check documentation)
    - New F-15C specific avionics (HUD, FCR, PACS, GPS positioning)
    - New xml options SafePathRadiusKm and OverflyRoE (can be read from MissionData_*.XML)
    - Fixed a CTD when destroyed in HARM mode
    - Implemented CATM support (ACDATA will now include "IsCATM" parameter)
    - Fixed CTD due to bad radar cast
    - Fixed AGM-65L HUD declutter
    - Fixed AGM-65L VIS mode
    - Fixed HCMD not drawing TDBox after handoff from HAD
    - Fixed RALT Auto blanking when it should not
    - Fixed ETA inconsistencies between HUD and DED
    - Fixed Green MFD
    - Fixed IDM symbology in ACM display
    - Fixed losing SOI on HAD when firing first HARM
    - Fixed STA Store switch CTD
    - Fixed maddog behavior
    * Go active of the rail with and w/o fcr track
    * Limit maddog LOS to seeker cone, not gimbal limits
    * Fly straight without target, turn of seeker and self destruct
    - Fixed losing SOI on HAD when firing first HARM
    - Fixed the positioning and size of both the gear staple "[" and the roll cue

  • Flight Models
    Improved Tire slippage in case of crabbing

  • Others
    - Multiple CPU optimizations
    - Multiple improvements for Shared Memory
    - Multiple fixes for potential CTD and memory corruptions
    - Multiples fixes to Tacview (lock lines, remote targets for missiles)
    - Disabled acmi when g_bTacviewAcmi is false
    - Added a new UI scaling option: g_nScaleUIMode
    * 0 : Disables and works as before
    * 1 : Enables UI scaling with Point (pixelated) filtering
    * 2 : Enables UI scaling with Linear (smooth) filtering - DEFAULT
    - Added a trigger between old and New UI: g_nInternalUIResolutionMode (set to 0 for old UI)

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Messaggi: 14416
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: Falcon BMS

Messaggio da Phant » 29 gennaio 2023, 1:50

Falcon-bms.com ha scritto:
Falcon BMS 4.37.1
  • Known Limitations
    Mirrors will only show once canopy closed
    VR is still an early iteration, do not expect a fully featured experience (tracking not implemented, mouse needed)
    F-15C cockpit is a Work In Progress (it cannot be used for ramp start)
    Falcon BMS will default to new launcher but old launcher still available at root folder installation

  • Data Changelog
    3D & Textures changes:
    • - Fix AVTR Switch for CCIP and Greek block cockpits
      - F-15C cockpit updates
      - Fix to particle system for burning effects on ships
      - Change to HARM trail effect
      - Fix to WAC Huds

  • UI changes
    - Fixed AAR Training mission
    - Fixed SEAD Training mission
    - Fixed Ground Ops mission
    - Music Rework

  • Flight Models changes
    - AV-8B(+) FM and systems rework

  • Documentation changes
    - BMS-Comms-Nav-Book.pdf
    - BMS-Training.pdf
    - TO 1F-16CMAM-1 BMS.pdf
    - TO 1F-16CMAM-34-1-1 BMS.pdf
    - BMS-Technical-Manual
    - Keyfile Editor
    - Keyboard Layouts
    - Complete Callback List.txt
    - BMS-VR-Guide.pdf
    - KTO_AIP.pdf

  • Vehicle / Weapon changes
    - Radar type added for Su-27 / Su-33 family
    - Longer Final time for Mavericks to avoid auto destroy too soon
    - Multipes fixes to the F-18 family (cockpit + FM)
    - CATM A/A missiles cannot be jettisoned
    - Fix for C-130 and AN-24 propellers not showing when at full power
    - Fox3 Data missiles changes (check code changes for more details on ARH fixes):
    * Missiles performances thrust / drag / Lift , ranges are UNCHANGED
    * Only Missiles gains have been changed

  • IVC changes

  • Comms changes

  • Airbase changes

  • Other changes
    - Fixed several wrong key callbacks
    - New BMS Launcher update (Alternative Launcher v2.3.0)
    - New Falcon BMS.cfg (!!!config reset!!!)
    - New keys added:
    * SimClickButtonLeft 116 0 0XFFFFFFFF 0 0 0 1 "SIM: Click Buttons UP/CW"
    * SimClickButtonRight 116 0 0XFFFFFFFF 0 0 0 1 "SIM: Click Buttons DOWN/CCW"
    * SimToggleCursorCenter 116 0 0XFFFFFFFF 0 0 0 1 "SIM: Toggle Cursor Center"

  • Code Changelog
    3D Engine:
    • - Fix issue with Head roll on HMCS
      - Improvement to VR resolution casting
      - Ignore VSYNC option when in VR
      - Improvement on shadow cost to LODs
      - Fix VR HUD not collimated to infinity

  • Weather Engine

  • Campaign Engine
    - Fix Pods beeing depleted too fast in campaign (were jettisonned in 2D when FLight aborted)
    - Much simpler method for Depletion / ressuply of stores

  • AI Engine
    - Reduce AI wingmen response time to command
    - Fix AI wingmen having weird Flyout
    - Fix AI switching to TO / Landing Light immediatly when receiving Clearance to take runway (All AI switching in the same time). Now the switch is done when entering the runway
    - Fix Bomb Ripple interval not honored by AI strat bombers

  • ATC Engine
    - Improved dynamic ATC messages
    - Fix parking point number wrongly display after landing
    - Fix Messages broadcasted on GUARD (buddy spike) not beeing received by player when UHF set on "BOTH"

  • UI Engine
    - Fix issues with resolutions lower than FHD (1080) for splash screen
    - Fix issue with cursor not showing if resolution lower than FHD (1080)
    - Fix issues with wingmen comms on ground

  • Systems
    - F-15 PACS color fix
    - Fix CTD when AHR goes from HPRF to MPRF while target has been destroyed already
    - Fix hung stores whilst pickle was being held down
    - Fix CATM impact beep heard by nearby planes and report them in debrief
    - Fix HMCS VIP/VRP position and TD box not being drawn
    - Fix TDbox being drawn when AGM65 are depleted
    - Fix CTD when DMS command sent after ejection
    - Fix hud ALIGN indication and current and max G
    - Improvement on AHR (fox3) guidance (check data for FM changes)
    - Fix EWS Semi Auto mode
    - Fix of radar cursor and hsd cursor commands
    - Fix Fuselage switch not moving if Main bus not powered
    - Fix Fuel Gauges issues with some F-16 blocks

  • Flight Models

  • Others
    - Fix CTD when enumerating video modes over RDP (Dedicated Server)
    - Add a NoRender mode (Dedicated Server):
    * Set by "set g_bNoRender 1" in the cfg or by passing -norender argument
    - Added center cursor for 2D screens and VR (g_b3DClickableCursorFixToCenter and g_b3DClickableCursorFixToCenterIfVR)
    - Added -vr or -fakevr commands
    - Added VR options:
    * set g_bVRManualCropAlignment 1 // on turns on manual cropping.
    * set g_fVRManualCropFactor 0 // how much to move the cropped area, -1 totally outward, 0 centered, 1 totally inward.

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Messaggi: 14416
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: Falcon BMS

Messaggio da Phant » 5 marzo 2023, 1:00

Falcon-bms.com ha scritto:
Falcon BMS 4.37.2
  • Known Limitations
    Mirrors will only show once canopy closed
    VR is still an early iteration, do not expect a fully featured experience (mouse needed)
    F-15C cockpit is a Work In Progress (it cannot be used for ramp start)
    Falcon BMS will default to new launcher but old launcher still available at root folder installation

  • Warning
    For voice activated commands: A lot of changes were made, make sure you update your scripts…
    Key files have been reworked
    As usual, Falcon BMS.cfg is restored to default

  • Data Changelog
    • 3D & Textures changes:
      - Updated texture for IAF cockpits
      - Updated MD-500 model
      - Fixed F/A-18 buttons location in cockpit (reverted changes)
      - Updated tiles under bridges for KTO

    • UI changes
      - Updated WASP mission
      - Updated Traning 01 mission
      - Fixed trigger for Save3 campaign
      - Updated TacRef
      - Updated Art for TvT

    • Flight Models changes

    • Documentation changes
      - Updated BMS-Training.pdf
      - Updated BMS-User-Manual.pdf
      - Updated TO 1F-16CMAM-34-1-1 BMS.pdf
      - Updated BMS-Technical-Manual.pdf
      - Updated BMS Device Setup Guide.pdf
      - Updated keeboard & Charts & AIP
      - Updated CAS Templates
      - Updated BMS-Cockpit-Interaction-Guide.pdf
      - Updated BMS-VR-Guide.pdf

    • Vehicle / Weapon changes
      - Fixed AS-34 range
      - Updated SA-6 engagment parameters for close range
      - Fixed wrong data in SA-5 missile
      - Fixed SA-SA-N-9 missile (match SA-15)

    • IVC changes

    • Comms changes
      - Added new comms files (Heavy / overhead / Bullseye to target)

    • Airbase changes
      - Updated Kunsan airbase
      - Updated Korean airbases with localizers
      - Fixed WASP localizer + ILS

    • Other changes
      - Updated keys:
      * Added SimEcmMode1-5On/Off
      * Rename SimEcmMode1-5 to SimEcmMode1-5Toggle
      - Fixed "J" command unable to turn off ECM
      - Updated Audio for UI
      - Added Gamepad support
      - Updated Falcon BMS.cfg

  • Code Changelog
    • 3D Engine:
      - Fixed memory leak with minimized server or g_bNoRender
      - Fixed PS management in "Norender" mode
      - Fixed seat height with VR. Now also possible to adjust using mouse
      - Fixed crazy chase camera

    • Weather Engine

    • Campaign Engine
      - Fixed CTD when declaring an aggregated feature
      - Fixed own team not being spotted and spot status not being updated

    • AI Engine
      - Fixed harpoons not beeing fired is mission is not TASMO
      - Fixed AI opening canopy (and let it opened even after take off) when a player exit
      - Fixed AI ground avoidance boost when thrust is null
      - Fixed AI badly avoiding other aircrafts on ground
      - Removed AI omnipotent last ditch missile avoidance maneuver
      - Added AI announces target position when asking permission to engage (for AA and AG)
      - Updated overhead radio procedure (no need to declare break anymore, based on user movements)

    • ATC Engine
      - Fixed CTD in ATC when crashed plane in queue wasn't over a runway
      - Added ATC Heavy aircraft management. If requested and possible, ATC will prioritize the longest runway for a Heavy Call

    • UI Engine
      - Added protection against AI flooding message queue when tanker is not yet opened for business

    • Systems
      - Fixed all missiles being considered AA (now reads from database)
      - Added reset Pitch Trim when wheelspeed is > 60kts (F-16 only)
      - Fixed "cancel override" automatically when entering into SRM or MSL override. Particularly usefull for keyboard user
      - Reduced ECM power function of number of program actively transmissing
      - Added HOJ in MidCourse taking over DL in case DL is lost
      - Added F-16 Avionics: DrawAirspeed
      - Fixed wrong places C nemonic for airspeed
      - Fixed symbol missing in some edge cases
      - Fixed hook can be lowered only once. When raised after lowering, the hook can not be retracted fully but is spring loaded to allow taxiing above cables

    • Flight Models

    • Others
      - Added integrity check on entire sim-data folder if requested by server
      - Added a new server mode where server stays paused without players and players can control time compression (g_nServerCompressionMode):
      * 0 (default)
      * 1: server pause without players
      * 2: server pauses without players, player can control server acceleration
      - Added Server controlled tacview
      * g_bMPAllowFltFile: set to 0 in the server so that clients will not record real-time tacview entries (ACMI will still be exported after flight)
      * g_bMPTacviewRespectFoW: set to 1 in the server so that clients will respect fog of war
      - Fixed radar cursor not working with held down pov key
      - Added Allows reloading joystick configuration in 3d (.joy in 3D chat window [CTRL+T])

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Messaggi: 14416
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: Falcon BMS

Messaggio da Phant » 21 giugno 2023, 1:01

Forum.falcon-bms.com ha scritto:
BMS Roadmap 4.37 U3 - News from the BMS Team
  • U3 - Release timeline
    • Intially, we had in mind to release U3 by end of June and before the summer break but… . We got a couple events that delayed us a bit:
      • We ambitioned to use the new 3D format but we had issues (will give more details later)
      • The license / IP holder change
      • We had to rest a bit from the U1 and U2 rush…
  • U3 - More than an update
    • Yes… Let’s say it out loud! This 4.37 update 3 will feel like a major release but won’t be one… .Since U2, around 380 code Pull requests have been done and we’re still counting! What does that mean? Well it means that we already have pushed more modifications than between 4.36.3 and 4.37.0! Some would argue that we should have named it as a major release but 4.38 is already booked for our new terrain release and we count on it… . From an asset perspective, not much will change visually but there are major braking changes…
  • U3 - What to expect
    • The BML format
      This is a major breaking change that will need for creators to convert LOD 3DDB to the new BML format… . Internally, @Seifer and others worked hard to implement it in the current 4.37 branch and solved numerous bugs that were discovered during testing… . What will you gain? Well, this is a v1 of BML format that doesn’t support PBR but will help push the boundaries of higher triangles models and optimization of draw calls. You can expect better performance on more recent hardware but it is not possible to quantify it right now… .
    • ARH Logic (Active Radar Homing)
      I don’t count the debates around this but we hope coming to an end on this with something we believe plausible… . Maybe we won’t find anymore 150 pages threads around this 🙂
    • Campaign logic
      Well… This is not a surprise anymore, there have been posts by our new campaign expert that worked on make the engine planning missions better and manage a new acceptable level of risk (ALR) that people will be able to tune in the mission XML files. Other stuff for the campaign and fixes will come but I don’t want to spoil too much
    • The F-15 and other planes
      [Obviously there are a lot of new features for the F-15C coming up in U3 that will add more systems and will make it more usable but don’t consider it fully “ramp startable” yet… . Nevertheless, this opened the door for other planes and some will see basic level of implementation in this future update…
    • More fixes and MP stability
      Let’s state that the level of stability has reached levels never known before in Falcon history and we aim to continue that! Our goal is still to host a TvT after the summer once U3 is released and considered stable by the community… .
  • 4.38 - What’s next?
    • This is a question we’re not able to answer right now but what I can tell is that we progressed further thanks to decideted people in the team that still continue to update objectives and maps for our new terrain engine. Obviously, the attention will shift to it after U3 is shipped. The first aim of U3 is to test the BML format and make sure we have this part correctly implmented before we shift the terrain engine… . Thus, I cannot give date for 4.38 becase the road is still long to a complete state. the finish line isn’t too far but it will be still some work before we are satisfied with a “releasable” version of it… . Anyway, thank you for your support and see you in the virtual skies!


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Iscritto il: 2 novembre 2010, 12:53

Re: Falcon BMS

Messaggio da Qawa » 26 ottobre 2023, 18:37



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Messaggi: 14416
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: Falcon BMS

Messaggio da Phant » 3 giugno 2024, 2:03

Falcon-bms.com ha scritto:
Falcon BMS 4.37.4

  • Known Limitations / Issues
    Mirrors will only show once canopy closed
    Limitations with alpha sorting (you might see transparency issues in cloud, fog, trees, lights, …)
    F-15C: The HUD SYM switch is still tied to the drift CO callback. The clicks work fine, but the callback for the switch is wrong
    Due to format changes, the avionics configurator will not work anymore… Need to do it manually in *.txtpb format files
    For TE created before, please copy the “Te_New.l16.txtpb” to “My_mission_name.l16.txtpb”

  • Breaking Changes
    As usual, Falcon BMS.cfg is restored to default
    Make sure you check your F-15C keyfiles (updates done)
    Flight Sim Data has changed to a new format (protobuf) and requires conversion (see tools folder)
    Issues to be expected with 3rd party mission editing tools due to new L-16 feature (e.g. Mission commander, WDP, …) -> Please contact respective authors for support

  • Data Changelog
    • 3D & Textures changes:
      * Updated F-15C HUD SYM NORMAL REJECT switch (#724)
      * Added ladder to new PBR F-16C cockpits (#708)
      * Updated F-16 cockpit (#682)
      * Updated F15 models - SHOOT, SAM and AI lights + ICS (#679)
      * Fixed Empty Cockpit Shell (#677)
      * Fixed F-15C collision box and add hook (#674)
      * Added dedicated F-15C kneeboards (#672)
      * Fixed Models 2104 & 2105 LOD distances (#668)
      * Fixed Model 2104 LOD3 (#662)
      * Added effect named: $ac_explos_ground_less_trails (#638)
      * Updated F15 Cockpit - Volume Controls (#635)
      * Updated flare effect (#626)
      * Updated Minor ICP texture (#616)
      * Updated Aircrafts explosions effects (#605)
      * Updated Particle System to match Aircraft burning changes (#602)
      * Updated Particle System to improve debris effects (#598)
      * Updated shaders and materials for latest night lighting (#592)
      * Updated F-15C Model to PBR (#562)
      * Updated Texture, Material files and shaders for Fractal snow change (#560)
      * Updated AIM-9X to PBR Model (#557)
      * Updated F-16B to PBR Model (#536)
      * Updated AIM-120C textures (#533)
      * Updated Particle system (#534)
      * Fixed mirrors on F-18 variants (#530)
      * Updated F-16DM Cockpit for PBR F-16DM models (#529)
      * Updated F-16DM-40 and F-16DM-52 to PBR Models (#527)
      * Fixed F-16 Wingtip light (#528)
      * Fixed F-16 HUD Symbology Overlap (#525)
      * Fixed F-16 Airbrake (#518)
      * Updated F-16C-32 ROKAF to PBR model (#486)
      * Updated F-16 Model to PBR for Greek PXIII, PXIV and Korea Block 52 models. (#479)
      * Fixed F-16C Block 25 and Block 30 (#471)
      * Fixed F-16C Block 30 Textures, Wing Model and Speed Brake for latest PBR Models (#470)
      * Added F-15C new pilot model, callbacks and hotspots (#464)
      * Fixed IR terrain flashing (#461)
      * Fixed F-16 Cockpit Hotspot fix for ALT REL button, Altimeter Pressure Knob and 30 AGRS Test panel (#465)
      * Updated MLU Model, USAF Cockpit Hotspots, IAF and HAF Canopy, and Greek cockpit(#455)
      * Fixed F-16I w/o CFT upgraded MMC avionics. (#447)
      * Updated F-16C-50 HAF to PBR model (#453)
      * Updated F-16 Cockpits with MIDS Knob (#439)
      * Updated F-16A Block 15 to PBR model (#424)
      * Updated F-16CM Block 52 to PBR model (#423)
      * Updated Q-5II and Q-5N to PBR model (#421)
      * Updated MIG-19, J-6, J-6B to PBR model (#420)
      * Updated C-160T to PBR model (#419)
      * Updated C-160R NG to PBR model (#418)
      * Updated C-160D to PBR model (#417)
      * Updated C-17 to PBR model (#416)
      * Updated AIM-120 (all variants) to PBR model (#415)
      * Updated F-16C Block 25 to PBR model (#414)
      * Updated F-16C Block 32 to PBR model (#413)
      * Updated F-16C Block 30 to PBR model (#412)
      * Updated F-16CM Block 42 to PBR model (#411)
      * Updated F-16CM Block 40 to PBR model (#410)
      * Updated F-16CM Block 50 to PBR model (#409)
      * Updated C-160R_AG to PBR model
      * Added Mixed Reality Cockpit Cover Changes (#392)

    • UI changes
      * Added doghouse label on map (#629)
      * Updated Reset Buttons on DTC to the left to avoid accidentally clicking them when doing the click dance (#570)
      * Updated UI map (including TVT) with Iwami departure fixes (#468)
      * Fixed F-16 Campaign Squadron/Skin (#458)
      * Updated in game Tanker Menu
      * Added MIDS / L-16 Support in DTE / ATO

    • Flight Models changes
      * Fixed max F15 Buffeting AOA value to 30 instead of 55 (#505)
      * Updated F-16 Flight Model file for new PBR models (#495)
      * Updated flight models with Link 16 code (#456)
      * Fixed F-1 and T-2 MaxRange (#399)

    • Documentation changes
      * Updated Technical Manual (#735)
      * Added F-15 Training Missions(#705)
      * Added F-15C Training manual, Updated F-15C docs (#700)
      * Added Mixed VR models in documentation folder
      * Docs updates (L16 related) (#652)
      * Updated checklists (#606)
      * Updated Base documentation (#532)
      * Updated U4 wallpapers (#519)

    • Vehicle / Weapon changes
      * Added CATM missiles to additional F-16 and F-15 (#644)
      * Fixed loftable bombs (#627)
      * Fixed GSC bombs (#403)
      * Fixed center AA transparent for F-CK-1 (#397)
      * Fixed AS-4 and AS-6 missiles (#394)
      * Fixed Multiple models gun locations
      * Added MIDS / L-16 Support

    • Theater
      * Added Link16 Deploy Network Definition files (#696)
      * Fixed Campaign Save3.tri - win conditions
      * Fixed Suwon heading to match db values (#630)
      * Fixed tanker tacan 04D Training mission (#500)
      * Fixed TvT issues (#472)
      * Updated SEAD_EW training mission + PPT.ini (#469)

    • #### IVC
      * Added IVC hostname support and x86 removal (#535)

    • Sounds
      * Fixed Canopy close loop sound (#489)

    • Others
      * Updated Falcon Launcher to v2.4.1.8 (#566)

  • Code Changelog
    • 3D Engine:
      * Fixed alpha of PBR afterburner at daytime to be half than what it is now - Afterburner was too strong for daytime. (#4063)
      * Fixed texture loading related CTD (#4048)
      * Fixed saturated sky (#4031)
      * Fixed airbase lights not working if server is in no render mode. (#4028)
      * Added g_bVRPredictFutureHeadMatrices , which predicts future frame VRHMD head matrix as it used to be but now disabled by default as it made head translation latency a lot. (#3652)
      * Fixed Cloud Lightning (#4015)
      * Updated NVG and FLIR (#3986)
      * Fixed races conditions during BML texture loading(#3909)
      * Fixed race condition during loading of RtModel. (#3917)
      * Fixed Aircraft explosion on the ground: If AC didn't yet took off, then we will know it now and produce an Aircraft explosion effect with less trails effect (#3826)
      * Added PBR Light flood support (#3795)
      * Fixed invisible Aircraft models problem. (#3768)
      * Added Aircraft burning effects (#3730) (#3716) (#3637) (#3627) (#3610)
      * Fixed MaterialManager::getMaterial with a mutex (#3689)
      * Fixed sky color not being limited and causing sometimes some crazy bloom due to too high brightness. Bug reported here, reproduced and fixed: (#3681)
      * Fixed for PS afterburners (Mostly important for ACs with more than 2 engines). (#3676)
      * Fixed possible bug for prop rotation (#3537)
      * Fixed Tree sunbath effect (#3542)
      * Added Fractal Snow Effects (#3447)
      * Fixed environment mapping not drawing ownship (#3390)
      * Fixed RTModel potential CTD. (#3392)
      * Fixed CTD during 3d initialization (#3375)
      * Fixed heat blur not working in VR (#3354)
      * Fixed HUD going out of frame in VR. (#3351)
      * Fixed and removed alpha locks to improve renderer performance (#3325)
      * Updated renderer thread performance by avoid preemptions (#3321)
      * Updated Shadows effects (#3307)
      * Added FXAA filtering mode (g_nPostAAMode 1 to enable/disable) (#2688)
      * Fixed Cloud Strobe / Landing Light calibrating (#2840)
      * Added OpenXR support (#2837)
      * Added Mixed Reality Cockpit Cover (#2694)

    • Weather Engine
      * Fixed clouds being fogged wrong (#3389)
      * Fixed clouds not beeing position at correct altitude when using Fmaps. (#3318)

    • Campaign Engine
      * Fixed AAA no more engaging. Make sure that Batallions do not shut their radar off in case no more sams available if they have AAA guns in the batallion (#4124)
      * Fixed loadout code loading mostly Mavericks-L for strike missions. (#4114)
      * Fixed Make sure that the radar dynamic bubble treshold is aligned with real detection capabilities of the player's radar and not only the nominal. Fixes the bug where Aggregated flight still appeared on the FCR (#4068)
      * Added new code for AWACS radar detection and L-16 (#4025)
      * Fixed CTD - Make sure we are an Aircraft before trying to cast a SimVehicle to AircraftClass (#3897)
      * Fixed SAM breaking a Missile Guidance even within min engagement range (#3846)
      * Fixed CTD in tankbrn (#3805)
      * Fixed ground vehicles stoping because on a "water tile"- but not actually close from water (#3414)
      * Fixed Fix Aircraft Spawning at crazy speed in DGF module (#3337)
      * Fixed out of fuel issue on match play (#3263)
      * Fixed Sams firing crazy number of missiles on a single target in some cases (#3056)
      * Added GPS jamming code against missiles (#3061)
      * Fixed CTD when player fails to join a flight (#2774)

    • AI Engine
      * Aded AWACS and Link16: Refactor random ID of contact by AWACS and aligns new ID based on Link16 Network (#4106)
      * Fixed Make sure all flight apply the same formation close / distant even when player is leader. The close formation code is triggered when #2 is closer than 800ft from leader (#4058) (#4018)
      * Fixed AI missile evasive manoeuver - AI were beaming instead of pumping in some cases (#4046)
      * Fixed AIM120 that could have no target when fired by AI and lost lock immediate after launch (#4017)
      * Fixed Fix JTAC beeing only working within unit bubble, limiting the use for units having small bubbles.
      - You can now contact the JTAC within 40NM (or bigger if standard bubble size is bigger) and it stays active within a 40NM range from the targeted unit. (#3882)
      * Fixed AI aircraft with Manual TEF in data unable to operate TEF outside takeoff and landing modes(#3872)
      * Fixed Aircrafts engaging Aggregated flights and wasting missiles (#3876)
      * Fixed AI shoot shoot doctrine. Fix AI always shooting 2 missiles (#3601)
      * Fixed AAR Boom Stifness (#3245)
      - Fix for jittering while AAR.
      - Fix easy and simplistic mode.
      - Simplistic will help you as soon as you are in position before connect
      - Easy will help you from 30ft out of position.
      * Updated AAR Tanker brain (#3413)
      * Fixed Tankers beeing stucked. Tanker queues are now monitored real time and self cleaning
      * Fixed AI loosing target in pure pursuit when contact speed and own speed were close (#3412)
      * Updated AI gun Aiming (#3277)
      * Fixed AI flying over target after missile attack or SDB attack (#3265)
      * Fixed AI unable to Release reliably bombs on moving targets. AI know anticipate ground vehicle movement for aiming (#3200)
      * Fixed AI Crashing into ground after RTB command (#3198)
      * Fixed Exploit with AI and AIM9 (#3182)
      * Fixed ECM for AI (#3155)
      * Fixed Blast avoidance logic (#2841)
      * Fixed AI attack altitude beeing too low with LD bombs (#2838)

    • ATC Engine
      * Fixed ATC Abort speed (#3271)
      - Set New Minimal Pattern Speeds , 200kts for fighters, 150 kts for heavies
      - Fix abort messages beeing send while nearly on runway or even on RUNWAYS_ARRESTOR_NBR
      - Fix landing clearance given then 5 seconds after abort
      * Fixed CTD ATCBrain disabled in Dogfight and Instant Action (#3251)
      * Updated ATC logic for sequencing
      * Fixed airbase ligthing not beeing synchro in MP in some cases (#2832)

    • UI Engine
      * Added ATIS to the DTC Presets freqs (#3894)
      * Fixed missions status evaluation code (#3809)
      - for Escort : consider only package flights fired by AIR and not GROUND
      - for SEAD escord : consider only package flights fired by GROUND
      - for BARCAP / CAPS : make sure we consider every target waypoints distance to check if too far from station. Maximum distance from a CAP waypoint is 40 NM
      * Fixed mission never success (partial success only) in case the flight team is allied only and not friendly
      * Added DogHouse to 2D MAP (#2023)
      * Added Link16 STN and Channel information in ATO for flights L16 capable only (#3431)
      * Updated unnecessary/unwanted camera labels shown at the top of the screen (#3384)
      * Added FPS visualisation and automatic benchmark (#3328)
      * Added hostname support to BMS & IVC (#3151)
      * Fixed resolution Dropdown doesn't update correctly after Adapter or Output selection (#3284)
      * Fixed Change Resolution CTD (#3266)
      * Fixed Duplication of Tacan channels for Tankers (#3260)
      * Added new DTE Page for Link16 capable aircraft (#3192)
      * Fixed imgui memory leak. (#2974)

    • Systems (F-16)
      * Fixed attack azimuth never worked right for JDAMs and WCMDs (#4130)
      * Fixed missile guidance when fired banked (#4120)
      * Fixed AnyFLCSWarning should not trigger AP FAIL and FID_STBY_GAIN_14 should trigger AP / FAIL (#4108)
      * Fixed TFR Roll Fly up following AP roll fix (#4107)
      * Fixed AP should only be inoperative when FID_FLCS_AP_FAIL_ is triggered, not any FLCS caution (#4096)
      * Fixed JDAM impossible to fill 360° as azimuth attack (#4067)
      * Fixed Fix Throttle beeing inactive in AP in some cases. (#4059)
      * Fixed possible mem corruption in AFM flutter (#3799)
      * Fixed Fix Flaperons exceeding their max values when TEF down. Fix TEF badly initialized for AFM on Ground (#3590)
      * Fixed multiple AP issues (roll, pitch, FLCS Fault logic) (#3496)
      - Fix Pitch AP Hiccups when taking a Altitude Reference. Fix altitude reference not beeing exactly matched
      - Fix ROLL autopilot , limited to 30 deg bank in STRG or HDG mode and smoother roll rate
      - APautoDisconnect triggers a PFL :FLCS A/P FAIL.. test number 050.. and Caution light : FLCS FAULT.
      - Reset with FLCS RESET
      * Fixed to make DMC cue on DLZ in HUD and MFD agree. (#3470)
      * Fixed AIM120 not tracking correctly in HOJ (#3322)
      * Fixed AHR in TWS mode - uncertainty box was badly positionned which was reducing the PG abnormaly (#3273)
      * Fixed MSMD DTE Load (#3255)
      * Fixed Hud mark issues. (#3248)
      * Fixed typo in TGT-TO-VRP page (#3165)
      * Updated GPS in Blocks 40-,42,50,52 and MLUs are powered by UFC directly (#3051)
      * Added Link16 network class, net class, aggregated PPLI and many member functions and fields (#3015)
      * Fixed Harpoons (And possibly other missiles maybe affected) not working (#3019)
      * Added missile guidance based on seeker type.
      * Fixed Hud DED/PFL Placement (#2975)
      * Added another VHF digit for MMC (#2958)
      * Fixed HUD Slant formatting in DGFT mode (#2916)
      * Fixed Mark Point in FCR mode placing random points outside FOV (#2915)
      * Fixed HUD ALOW Issues (#2891)
      * Fixed TBar not showing in hud when in Radar Alt mode (#2892)
      * Fixed RALT Box doesn't blink when in STBY mode and Auto is selected (#2890)
      * Fixed AOA and -2.5 degree line in different modes (#2858)
      * Fixed AIM9 Correlation showing when Master Arm is off (#2856)
      * Fixed DGFT Hud issues (#2853)
      * Fixed Hud Heading Postition in various modes (#2850)
      * Fixed Maddog targeting launcher aircraft at launch (#2822)
      * Added LAST field in the intraflight datalink page (DED) can be edited + new logic (#2789)
      * Fixed DED and PFL placement on F-16 HUD (#2753)

    • Systems (F-15C)
      * Added cage/uncage using coolie down in nav mode. (#4125)
      * Updated always flash velocity vector for the F15 when caged. (#4002)
      * Added F15s hud sym reject switch (#3991)
      * Added F-15C Stiffen Reject throttle button. (#3998)
      * Added F-15C Shoot lights logic (#3943)
      * Added F-15C AI and SAM activity lights logic (#3939)
      * Fixed F15 having GUN compensation (#3619)
      * Fixed callbacks names and respective logic: Coolie Left (=OUTBOARD) <-> Coolie Right (=INBOARD) (#3620)
      * Fixed Change of MRM priority (via Boat Switch), steps over all HP with MRMs correctly (#3495)
      * Fixed missing HUNG information for missiles on PACS (#3494)
      * Added constrained AA TD box to HUD (#3293)
      * Added SID BBR and OBR are now updated when SOI is VSD, SID remembers Zoom/Pos after Castle Up (#3278)
      * Added Type/Count/round to HUD Window2 (GUN, SRM, MRM) (#3274)
      * Added support for TDC commanded via analogic control (#3267)
      * Fixed SAF being displayed wrong on MFD bottom row (#3257)
      * Added AAR disconnect logic to AutoAcq press (#3244)
      * Added correct designated PDT symbol and heading vector for APG-63 in STT (#3238)
      * Added IFF callbacks for Coolie switch (#3233)
      * Added STT logic from Search mode, miniraster (#3218)
      * Fixed PUAC and LOW Warning in STRF Mode (#3185)
      * Added IFF callback logic, Mode 1 and 3 code logic (#3149)
      * Fixed ALTITUDE COVERAGE CIRCLES on radar display (#3073)
      * Added Mach/AOA, and G info to HUD (#3059)
      * Added OWNSHIP BEARING AND RANGE to SID (#3060)
      * Added bullseye BBR on SID is from cursor to current waypoint (#3007)
      * Added GUN AutoAcq mode and correct logic when selecting Gun (#2963)
      * Updated to remove highlight mode (not avail in APG-63) (#2962)
      * Added VSD AG grids (#2957)
      * Updated SAS (#2905)
      * Added SAS Pitch, Roll, Yaw switches logic (#2920)
      * Added JTIDS callbacks panel (#2908)
      * Added Link16 logic DOF F-15C Mission Channel (#2977)
      * Fixed paddle AP bug and release of weapons (#2897)
      * Added vertical scan auto acquisition radar mode logic, callback, HUD symbology (#2889)
      * Added long range boresight radar mode logic, callback, HUD symbology (#2878)
      * Fixed HUD Altitude tape showing wrong Altitude (#2877)
      * Fixed wrong HUD Altitude tape (#2879)
      * Added boresight mode logic, callback and HUD symbology (#2875)
      * Added positionable supersearch via TDC up and down (#2757)

    • Systems (Other Planes)
      * Fixed A10C CTD crash when using SimRadarRangeStepUp (#4078)
      * Fixed F-18 radar CTD when going from RWS to TWS with TMS right (#3262)

    • Others
      * Fixed pretty screenshot (#3835)
      * Added a server flag (g_bShortPickle) to enable/disable short pickles (#3757)
      * Updated keyboard input rate scaler based on frame rate (#3668)
      * Added server flag (g_bWeaponsBreak) to control weapon over-G/speed (#3650)
      * Added "head_translation_offset" parameters to 3dCkpit.dat to set head pos offset for different cockpits. (#3347)
      * Added SimMirrorToggle callback. (#3339)
      * Fixed Tacview: Only bump the timestamp on new frame (#3300)
      * Added MIDS callbacks for pit builders (#3304)
      * Added switch and callback to flip mirror on and off. (#3298)
      * Added GPS jamming strength factor and tacview logging. (#3077)
      * Added Tacview Real-time Telemetry (#3043)
      * Updated XInput LB+Y Cycle Mode changes function: only switch override states (#3049)
      * Added g_bVibrateXInput to vibrate XInput controller (#2954)
      * Updated OFM and AFM files for planes to protobuf format (#2999)
      * Added Show mouse cursor when in -norender (#2969)
      * Updated Show network window in -norender and fix g_bOnlinePlayersDisplayDefault (#2967)
      * Fixed Tacview heading for non-KTO theaters (#2857)

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