DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 29 dicembre 2022, 0:53

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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 29 dicembre 2022, 18:27

Wags - ED Team ha scritto:
DCS: F-16C Viper Mini-Updates

Merry Christmas and all the best for 2023! As the team prepares for some well-earned time off, here is where we are with the Viper:

  • Highest priority is on bug fixing.
  • The alternate gear handle and arresting hook tasks are complete and currently undergoing internal testing. You should see both in the next Open Beta update.
  • We’ve done a lot of work on the ALR-56M RWR and added new functions, audio, and symbols. After the next update, the final big ALR-56M task will be the Handoff function that is currently being gated by the PRF audio tones.
  • Adjusting AIFF and ROE Tree logic.
  • New bomb fuzes like DSU-33 and JPF.

Following the next Open Beta, tasks include:

  • Tuning air-to-air performance including look-down and search to bug target delay. This will follow the refactoring of the Hornet radar.
  • Air-to-Air datalink assignment functions.
  • Digital Maneuver Cue (DMC) and Loft indications.
  • IAM loft cue.
  • Further work on Link 16 and adding air-to-air target assignments.
  • A 1st person pilot model that will follow the new Hornet pilot model.
  • Radar Velocity Search mode.

Further out are items that include:

  • ALE-50 towed decoy (first need new rope physics).
  • Sniper ATP.
  • Data Transfer Equipment (DTE) page and functions. We will start with the MPD, LINK16, and COMM sub-pages.

Please note that the above are just the highlights is certainly not 100% inclusive of all planned work.
Wags - ED Team ha scritto:
DCS: Hornet Mini-Updates

Merry Christmas and all the best for 2023! As the team prepares for some well-earned time off, here is where we are with the Hornet:

  • Highest priority is on bug fixing. This includes, but it not limited to issues with the Harpoon, SLAM, and SLAM-ER behaviors, ASE dot behavior, etc.
  • We are performing a ground up review of and refactoring of the Hornet flight model and flight control system. This also includes a large update to the landing gear model.
  • New and improved pilot model. Once this is complete, we’ll do the same for the Viper.
  • Refactoring the radar for more accurate performance. Once this is complete, we’ll do the same for the Viper.
  • We’ve updated the ALR-67 to include new functions and symbols.

Following the next Open Beta, tasks include:

  • IAM loft cues.
  • New bomb fuzes like DSU-33 and JPF.
  • MUMI page and DTC. This will follow the Viper DTE page and DTC.
  • A review of MSI functions based on available data for the version we are modeling.

Please note that the above are just the highlights is certainly not 100% inclusive of all planned work.

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Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 30 dicembre 2022, 16:55

Graphics - ED Team ha scritto:

Dynamic Campaign Development Progress

We are pleased to announce that our Dynamic Campaign Engine (EDDCE) is progressing steadily, albeit slower than we had expected. The size and complexity of this endeavor is substantial, but we are excited to report that things are moving in a positive direction and that we are confident that this will be a game-changing addition to DCS. We are pleased to share some of the progress on the strategic tasking logic that forms the foundation of this core enhancement. We have also made significant improvements to the algorithms used to process the very large data sets needed when moving and tasking numerous units.

The EDDCE Dynamic Campaign Engine will be a part of the DCS Core, allowing the creation of special campaigns where air, sea and land units do not have pre-created tasks, but are rather controlled by the strategic AI. Each side initiates the campaign on the basis of start conditions of the conflict, this includes offensive or defensive position, asset resource list (including HQs, factories, warehouses etc), and specific objectives which are created from the onset for each individual campaign design. When a campaign starts, the strategic AI initiates the tasking process (ATO Air Tasking Orders, Ground tasking and Naval Tasking etc) for each unit in the side’s asset list and order of battle. This process of tasking and decision making is ongoing for the duration of the campaign and is a function of assets remaining and reinforcement and resupply cycles. It is important to remember that the player can take control of any AI unit and participate in its mission task and/or take indirect control over the strategic AI decisions, in addition to direct control over specific tasking orders.

After having completed the global structure of the Dynamic Campaign Engine in 2021, 2022 saw substantial fine-tuning of the system’s individual components. For example, our general scheme of ATOs was built starting from defensive combat air patrol operations along borders, through all subsequent stages, including SEAD suppression of enemy air defenses, air superiority, CAS close air support, interdiction and deep strike. Ground equipment and operations also received a lot of attention. In addition to the actual movement of units to perform their assigned mission, a mechanism was created for correctly tasking vehicles in a group based fashion depending on their tactical situation: attack, defense, or transit.

To increase the number of units in the campaign without over-tasking the CPU, only units that are ‘visible’ to the player or that ‘see’ the player (eyesight and sensor range based) are fully calculated. For the remaining units, lighter algorithms are used which are based on pre-calculated data sets. It is good to note that when preparing such data, separate mechanisms are used in EDDCE to easily process all upcoming equipment and weapons which will be added to DCS. To ensure that unit calculations do not negatively affect gameplay, seamless transitions between the lighter and the fully-fledged calculation models have been implemented. This will allow the player to see all the units in their correct place, performing their tasks while moving across the entire map. When interacting with the player, all units use the normal DCS algorithms.

Another important task that received attention this year is the ‘front-line’ system. A new model of multiple front-lines has been implemented that allows for a more illustrative picture of breakthrough and encircling maneuvers. During 2022, the main engine elements were tuned, allowing campaign management to be more automated, based on the dynamic situations as they evolve in the campaign. Please do follow our news for more information on this exciting core element of DCS.

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Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 3 gennaio 2023, 1:38

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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 4 gennaio 2023, 18:40

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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 7 gennaio 2023, 2:16

Graphics - ED Team ha scritto:

DCS Core Improvements


Multithreading has been one of our primary efforts to improve DCS performance, and it is currently in closed beta testing. Initially two threads (graphical and logical) will be implemented, and once the technology is stable and mature, we plan to expand this number. Large and complex missions, both single player and server based as well as the upcoming dynamic campaigns, will see the most significant performance enhancements.

Our render graph was written from scratch along with many other subsystems. We now benefit from parallel rendering that schedules inter-dependent rendering tasks in a correct and optimal order (e.g., mirror reflections first, then mirrors while running other independent draw calls in parallel), frame graph, graphic scenes, scene renderer, and scene manager. We unified all other graphic subsystems that permit node embedding in the render graph. This allows us to rapidly experiment with new graphic pipelines and enhance efficiency. The introduction of our render graph will improve DCS efficiency and deliver optimal performance with modern graphics APIs such as Vulkan.

Vulkan API

Implementation of the Vulkan API continues in parallel with the multithreading effort. Our Vulkan renderer is integrated with the new render graph, and it benefits from multithreading by using render graph mechanics of background loading of textures and geometry, rendering objects in parallel, terrain streaming, etc. As a result, many rendering tasks submitted to the graphics card will no longer need to wait for each other and hence be processed simultaneously.

In our endeavor to unify DirectX and Vulkan renderers, we have developed a mod state where both backends produce identical results. We now have two fully compatible implementations that run under the same API. This means that all our applied graphics modules (the code that renders our skies, clouds, models, effects, etc.) will work the same way on both renderers. To achieve this, we ensured that all our shaders could be converted into Vulkan format in addition to implementing a shader converter available from within DCS permitting to compile any shader on the fly. It is interesting to note that the shader conversion has taken an inordinately large amount of time.

The main achievement in 2022 is that DCS now works under Vulkan producing the same visuals as under DirectX. This result is fully ‘transparent’ for our graphics programmers, allowing them to write the same code for both platforms without the need to have separate code paths for Vulkan and DirectX11 and beyond.

The next step is to provide our graphics programmers with the new Vulkan features compared to DirectX 11. These include new types of shaders (as per Shader Model 6 and further), ray tracing, some advanced rendering techniques, such as GPU driven rendering, and similar.


Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) 2.0 is coming to DCS this year. DLSS is a family of real-time deep learning image enhancement and upscaling technologies for RTX 20, 30 and 40 series Nvidia graphics cards. The goal of this technology is to allow most of the graphics pipeline to run at a lower resolution for increased performance, and then infer a higher resolution image from this that contains the same level of detail as if the image had been rendered at this higher resolution. This allows for higher graphical settings and/or frame rates for a given output resolution, depending on user preference.

In addition to DLSS, Nvidia Image Scaling (NIS) will also be available. NIS is a scaling and sharpening tool with an algorithm that uses a 6-tap filter with 4 directional scaling and adaptive sharpening filters to boost performance. This is best used for non-RTX Nvidia graphics cards that do not support DLSS.

Following the completion of DLSS/NIS, we will investigate Fidelity FX Super Resolution (FSR) for AMD GPUs.

Spherical Earth Map

2022 saw great progress creating the tools and technologies to support a precise spherical Earth map for DCS. Because this map will be based on current day, it will operate independently of the current and future regional maps that allow historic maps such as World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and other scenarios. Spherical Earth efforts will continue in 2023.


Building upon the weather enhancements that were introduced with DCS 2.7, we have been further developing weather to include moving clouds and towering cumulus clouds and more sophisticated atmospheric phenomena. New fog and dust storms are being developed that are integral parts of the volumetric cloud system. The old DCS fog is a separate system that is calculated for a flat earth. It does not consider shadows from the terrain and clouds, so it has limitations. The new fog will be computed for a spherical earth and takes shadows into account. We also plan to optimize the volumetric clouds and increase their basic quality. A separate and complex project currently in development is the dynamic cloud generator which will then need to be integrated with the dynamic weather systems of low/high pressure systems and new/evolving cloud types.

A later task, once the foundation is complete, will be to provide AI line of sight blocking in addition to light direction/scattering visibility limitations for AI.


2022 saw significant improvements to how Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) is modeled in DCS World. In addition to writing the technology needed to create the characteristics of the camera, a great deal of work is being invested into the enhanced thermal signatures of mobile units, map objects, environmental heating, and cooling, as well as specific visual effects and artifacts. We will also be adding initial thermal signature conditions for ground units in the Mission Editor.

Eagle Dynamics Dynamic Campaigns Engine (EDDCE)

2022 saw the completion of all major engineering components of the EDDCE. In 2023 we continue development and testing and making improvements to these components as well as adding new features where needed. We are also enhancing the mechanics in the campaign editor to avoid issues that may arise when the EDDCE is used for different maps. The next big tasks include transferring mission data between player and AI pilots and creating a specific graphic user interface.

Please see our previous Newsletter for greater detail on the subject.

Air Traffic Control (ATC)

2022 has focused on the continued development of the Supercarrier ATC system. Following its completion, the next focus will be to bring those advancements to airfields. This is certainly no simple task and will require three unique ATC systems for: western modern day, eastern modern day, and World War II.

A complete redesign of the modern day, western ATC system is underway. In parallel, modern day western radio communications for Flight, Other Flights, AWACS, and Tanker are also being revised.

Human Animations

Starting with new AH-64D pilots in 2022, this work will continue into 2023 to include new infantry and more pilots with more life-like models and animations. Priority pilot models first include the F/A-18C and F-16C pilots.

Deck Crew and Ground Crew

Starting with the Supercarrier deck crew, we continued to develop this feature in 2023. We are now continuing this effort to include startup and taxi to catapult deck crew logic and animations. Following the completion of deck crew, we then plan to use this technology to create airfield ground crew and interactions.

Multiple Light Sources

DCS 2.8 saw great advancements in world lighting, but our efforts continue. The next big lighting advancement will be the introduction of multiple, global light sources, and no longer only the sun and moon. This will allow more realistic night scenes that account for airfield flood lights, city lights, and more. You can see these initial efforts on the Persian Gulf map.

Voice Chat

First introduced in 2019, the free Voice Chat integrated into DCS allows Voice Over IP communications based on chat rooms and how you have your aircraft radios configured. 2022 was focused on improving radio communications and stable connections, even over a VPN. In 2023 we continue to develop this feature with realistic radio sounds, effects and plug-and-play audio device compatibility.

Visual Special Effects

Some of the more notable visual effect tasks include munitions with airburst fuzes, napalm, and Mach shock cone based on airspeed and weather around the aircraft.

Virtual Reality
VR is very important for all and we have heard your concerns regarding performance and we continue to optimize VR performance for DCS. The primary areas of VR performance improvement are multithreading and the Vulkan API, particularly for larger missions. We are also reviewing all world Level of Details (LODs).

Unit AI Improvements

In 2022 we saw great improvements to the Beyond Visual Range (BVR) and Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM) AI for our jet aircraft. Moving forward, we now intend to improve multi-ship BVR and Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) tactics and appropriate AI tactics for World War II aircraft.

For ground units, our primary AI tasks include improved pathing and implementing suppression effects for more than just infantry units.

General Flight Model (GFM) for AI Aircraft

Whilst the updated BFM AI can make a significant difference in how the AI flies, the General Flight Model (GFM) will provide improved flight dynamics for AI aircraft that better constrain the aircraft to true-to-life performance.

GFM is a significant improvement to the Standard Flight Model (SFM) that is based on drag and thrust characteristic trajectories. The SFM can provide a good Center of Gravity trajectory model, but it relies on reliable source data to tune the overall performance that includes the entire flight envelope, sustained and instantaneous turn rate, energy gain, etc.

GFM adds additional short-period aircraft movement by adding our base solid body, contact models and aerodynamic moments. This results in more realistic control displacements during maneuvers that provide more human-like appearances. With GFM, the AI will also encounter wake turbulence.

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Messaggi: 14329
Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
Località: Olbia

Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 13 gennaio 2023, 17:25

Graphics - ED Team ha scritto:

F/A-18C Hornet Development Progress


Flight Model (FM) and Flight Control System (FCS) Update. Our flight model and FCS have both come a long way and we will continue to enhance flight performance and handling characteristics which will include a complete review of the FM in ground effect. We also plan to refactor landing gear mechanics in order to enhance landing realism as well as touch-and-go behavior.

Radar Update. In parallel with refactoring the Flight Model and FCS, a refactoring of the Hornet radar is well underway. Key elements to address are improving the look-down, PRF, scan azimuth and more in order to offer improved detection and target tracking simulation.

GPS Weapon Lofting. An important weapon delivery option for JDAM and JSOW weapons is the ability to loft for extended range. There are several HUD and HSI changes that we plan to make this year to enable this enhanced delivery profile.

New Pilot Model. Whilst the Hornet already features a cockpit-view pilot model, we are creating a much improved and more realistic model with corrected kit elements, and have more life-like animations.

New Fuzes. Currently, the Hornet bombs only have contact detonation fuzes like the M904 and M905. In 2023 we will be working on new fuzes such as the DSU-33 airburst fuze and the FMU-152 Joint Programmable Fuze (JPF). Unlike other fuzes that must be programmed while the aircraft is on the ground, the JPF allows fuze programming while airborne.

In addition to the cockpit functionality to support these fuzes, changes will also need to be made to the Mission Editor, visual effects, and weapon damage effects to include them. Not a simple task.

Data Transfer Cartridge (DTC) and MUMI Page. After completion of the F-16C DTC, we will begin work on the Hornet DTC and MUMI page that will allow users to preconfigure mission elements like waypoints and their sequences, datalink, countermeasures, weapons, sensors, and more. This is planned for both the Mission Editor and Mission Planner.

ALR-67 Updates. The Hornet will see new symbols and enhancements added to the ALR-67 radar warning receiver. Some of these include emitter jamming, FLIR assignment, HARM assignment, and different radar types.

Carrier INS Alignment. In addition to ground start alignment, we will plan to add aircraft carrier deck alignment that allows the aircraft to align based on aircraft carrier acting as the alignment reference source.

The above are our primary Hornet focus items for 2023, but they are by no means exclusive. We will continue to fix bugs and tune items, light external lights, as needed. Other elements that we plan to work on after the above include the HSI Slew function and further Multi-Source Integration (MSI) options.

F-16C Viper Development Progress


Probably more so than any other Eagle Dynamics fixed-wing aircraft, the Viper saw the greatest amount of improvements in 2022. Building upon this, our goal is to complete all advertised features in 2023.

You will see the inclusion of the tail hook and alternate landing gear handle in the January update. Items planned for later in the year include:

Improved Radar Warning Receiver. The ALR-56M will be seeing a significant improvement this year that will better match its real-world counterpart regarding symbols, tones, and behavior. The final stage of this will be the inclusion of the Handoff function with the ability to hear unique radar pulse repetition frequency tones.

Cockpit View Pilot Model. Following the completion of the new Hornet pilot model, we will do the same for the Viper. This will be a high-detail model of a USAF/ANG F-16 pilot circa 2007 with correct kit and lifelike animations.

Radar Update. The same work going into the Hornet radar update will also apply to the Viper’s radar. This will result in even more realistic radar detection and tracking capabilities.

Data Transfer Card (DTC) and Data Transfer Equipment (DTE) Page. Our first DTC functionality task for fixed-wing aircraft will be the F-16C. This starts with the DTE MPD items (steerpoints, mark points, geo reference lines, destination points, and threat points). After which, we’ll add other DTC/DTE elements like communications, stores inventory, weapon profiles, etc.

Air-to-Air Datalink Assignment. Using the Improved Data Link Modem (IDM), players will be able to assign wingmen 2, 3, and 4 air-to-air targets using radar. This will only come after the DTC/DTE features are complete, and this may push past 2023.

Following these priority items, we will also work on the radar Velocity Search mode, the Digital Maneuvering Cue (DMC), JDAM/JSOW loft indication, the Sniper ATP targeting pod, and ALE-50 towed decoy in 2023 and later. Like the Hornet, fixing bugs and tuning features will be ongoing and in parallel to adding new features.

AH-64D Development Progress


The AH-64D is an exceedingly complex aircraft with much work still to do. The biggest tasks underway are the introduction of the AGM-114L radar-guided Hellfire missile and implementation of the Improved Datalink Model (IDM) that will allow flight members to exchange their location and targets. In parallel with these two important tasks, we are also working on the following in 2023:

Improved Flight Model and Stability and Control Augmentation System (SCAS). Compared to fixed-wing aircraft, a rotary-wing aircraft like the AH-64D can be a handful to fly, and a helicopter’s flight model is a very complex simulation to get properly implemented and “dialed in”. The AH-64D’s Flight Management Computer operates using a substantial series of logics to govern the SCAS, which can be almost as complex as the flight model itself to implement. We are continuing to refine the SCAS to make flying this aircraft a bit easier by adjusting the collective channel behavior, tuning the yaw offset, eliminating the roll when ham-fisting the collective, and adjusting the hold modes.

Fire Control Radar (FCR). The FCR is one of the features that significantly adds lethality compared to the older A model. The FCR will be able to scan for, detect, classify, and cue weapons to both air and ground units. This will be one of our team’s larger tasks for 2023.

Laser Spot Tracker. In addition to laser self-designating, the AH-64D will also detect and track a laser from an off-board designation source like another aircraft or a JTAC.

Laser Warning Receiver. Our AH-64D can already detect both radar emission and missile launches, but it will also be able to detect and warn you of being laser designated. A laser designation is a good indication that you may have a tank round or laser-guided missile coming your way.

Radar Frequency Interferometer (RFI) and Radar Jammer. The RFI is part of the FCR, and it can provide the location of radar emitters in range and azimuth and the radar jammer and reduce the effectiveness. We plan to work on these after the above items, but they may be 2024 development tasks.

A-10C II Tank Killer Development Progress


The remaining feature for this module is the ARC-210 radio. This is nearing release, and it will feature UHF and VHF functions with related Upfront Controller (UFC), STAT page, and COMM page updates. This will add one ARC-210 radio and remove one of the two VHF radios.

Following its release, we will then add satellite communications into the DCS World for all aircraft where it's available.

As with the Hornet and Viper, we also plan to add DTC and Link 16 functions to the A-10C II, but this effort will not start until after 2023 given the amount of DTC work that must first happen with the Hornet and Viper. Also, after the Hornet and Viper efforts, we’d like to add a cockpit view pilot.

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Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 20 gennaio 2023, 0:34

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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 20 gennaio 2023, 17:23


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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 22 gennaio 2023, 1:08

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Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 28 gennaio 2023, 0:59


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Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 3 febbraio 2023, 17:36


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Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 10 febbraio 2023, 16:09

Graphics - ED Team ha scritto:

Pilot Model Development Progress

We are keen to share the development progress on our new F/A-18C Hornet pilot model. Texturing of all components has been completed and it is now being animated. This will be an authentic recreation of a mid-2000s US Navy Hornet pilot with all of the associated gear and more life-like animations.

We are also working on adding cockpit view F-16C and A-10C II pilots, as well as improving Mi-24P and AH-64D crew animations.

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Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 17 febbraio 2023, 16:06


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Iscritto il: 19 settembre 2003, 15:14
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Re: DCS WORLD: Moduli Eagle Dynamics

Messaggio da Phant » 25 febbraio 2023, 0:47

Graphics - ED Team ha scritto:

ARC-210 Radio for the Warthog - The Final Key Feature

The ARC-210 radio is the final Key Feature of the DCS: A-10C II Tank Killer, and it’s planned for the next Open Beta. The ARC-210 replaces one of the two VHF radios on the left console and provides UHF and VHF modes that can also be programmed from the COMM page on a Multifunction Color Display. The ARC-210 can also be controlled from the Upfront Controller (UFC) and display the current setting on the HUD.

Following the initial release of the ARC-210 with UHF and VHF modulation, the satellite radio functions will also be added, in addition to other DCS aircraft that support satellite radio communications. The ARC-210 will be fully compatible with the integrated Voice Chat system.

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